Chapter 19

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It was already morning as Maelor nestled in Elaena's lap, his small hands playfully tugging at her hair. Helaena sat nearby, her nimble fingers deftly embroidering, while the twins played with a servant.

Elaena chose to stay a day before coming back to Dragonstone. Arden, never far from Elaena's side, sat on a neighbouring couch.

"It seems our fate is to forever desire what is bestowed upon others." Helaena remarked, her voice tinged with a sense of melancholy, "When one possesses something, the other seeks to take it away."

Elaena nodded, her eyes filled with understanding as she attentively listened to Helaena. They were happily chatting with each other, exchanging light banters, and smiles, when the queen and the hand burst into the room, capturing everyone's attention.

"Where is Aegon?" Alicent asked, her breath heavy with urgency.

"Not here." Helaena replied, her voice steady.

"He's not in his rooms." Otto added.

Helaena lowered her head, her focus returning to her embroidery, while Elaena kept her gaze fixed on Otto. "Then perhaps you should start searching the brothels." she quipped, rolling her eyes playfully, and sharing a smile with Maelor, who had placed his tiny hand on her cheek.

A flash of annoyance crossed Otto's face as he left the room, ignoring Alicent's calls.

Alicent exchanged a knowing look with the servant, who quickly understood and gently guided the children away. As Elaena prepared to leave, Alicent seized her arm and pulled her back to sit. Arden excused himself and stood outside Helaena's chamber.

"What's happened?" Helaena inquired, her concern evident.

Drawing closer to Elaena, their shoulders touching, Elaena gently patted Helaena's legs, assuring her that she was right beside her.

"Your father..." Alicent trailed off, her voice hesitant.

Helaena placed her hand on top of Elaena's, her grip tightening as she urged Alicent to continue, "There is a beast beneath the boards." Helaena whispered.

"Oh, my dearest love." Alicent murmured, attempting to embrace Helaena, only to be met with resistance as Helaena recoiled from her touch.

Helaena remained silent as footsteps approached, and Aemond entered the room. His gaze briefly flickered towards his mother before settling on Elaena. The intensity of their gaze held a weight of unspoken emotions.

Elaena averted her eyes, focusing on Alicent, "What has happened to Viserys?" she asked, her voice trembling.

A single tear slipped down Elaena's cheek as Alicent delivered the devastating news. Without hesitation, Helaena pulled Elaena into a tight embrace, enveloping her in warmth and comfort. Elaena swallowed the lump in her throat, her heart heavy with grief.

Alicent covered her mouth, her eyes never leaving Elaena's tear-stained face. It was the first time she witnessed such raw emotion from Elaena, knowing the depth of her love and care for Viserys, despite her verbal disdain for him. She knew the pain Elaena carried, for it mirrored her own.

"Where is he?" Elaena whispered, her voice choked with sorrow.

"They are preparing his body." Alicent answered, her own voice laced with sorrow.

Biting her lips as she nodded her head, Helaena excused herself, as the twins were looking for their mother.

Elaena wiped away her tears, composing herself as Ser Criston entered the room. His gaze immediately locked onto Elaena, and concern etched across his face upon noticing her swollen eyes. Aemond narrowed his eye, taking note of the scene unfolding before him.

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