Chapter 21

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Elaena stood by Jace, Luke, and Joffrey as Rhaenyra and Daemon stood solemnly near the burning pyre of Visenya. A soldier, clad in a white cloak, emerged, and Elaena's eyes widened with recognition as Arden followed closely behind him, holding the twins and Maelor. Helaena quickly embraced her children, and Arden approached Elaena, enveloping her in a hug and placing a tender kiss on her temple.

The soldier continued his advance towards Daemon and Rhaenyra, prompting the knights to draw their swords in caution.

"I mean no harm, brothers." Ser Erryk declared, removing his helmet and kneeling before them. He offered Viserys' crown to Daemon, his voice filled with loyalty and dedication. "I swear to ward the Queen... with all my strength... and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife... hold no lands... father no children. I shall guard her secrets... obey her commands... ride at her side, and defend her name and honour."

Daemon crowned Rhaenyra, gently placing the crown upon her head, before kneeling himself and declaring her his queen. In a show of respect, everyone present knelt before Rhaenyra, acknowledging her as their rightful queen.

As the candles were lit and the council convened in the chamber, Rhaenyra entered, accompanied by her guards, while Daemon announced her arrival.

"Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Your Grace." Daemon proclaimed, his voice filled with reverence.

Everyone in the room lowered their heads, showing their respect and offering a curtsy to Rhaenyra. Elaena smiled with pride as Rhaena offered Rhaenyra a glass of wine and gestured for her to join them, along with Baela.

The council members gathered around the table, Elaena stood by Daemon's side, and Arden positioned himself beside Elaena, ready to provide support.

A moment of silence hung in the air before Rhaenyra broke it, her voice commanding attention. "What is our standing?" she inquired, her eyes filled with determination.

"We have 30 knights, a hundred crossbowmen, and 300 men-at-arms. Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest, our army leaves a lot to be desired. We have sent word to my loyal men in the City Watch. I'll have some support there, but I cannot speak to the numbers. We already have declarations from Celtigar and Staunton, Massey, Darklyn, Bar Emmon." Daemon informed, his tone measured.

"My lady mother was an Arryn. The Vale will not turn cloak against their own kin." Rhaenyra stated confidently.

"Riverrun was always a close friend to your father, Your Grace. With Prince Daemon's acquiescence, I've already sent ravens to Lord Grover." one council member added.

"Lord Grover is fickle and easily swayed. He will need to be convinced of the strength of our position and that we will support him should it come to war." Rhaenyra acknowledged.

"I'm going to treat with him myself." Daemon declared, his voice full of finality.

Elaena glanced between Rhaenyra and Daemon, sensing the growing tension between them.

"What of Storm's End and Winterfell?" another council member queried.

"There has never been a Stark who forgot an oath. And with House Stark, the North will follow." another council member replied assuredly.

"Lord Borros Baratheon will need to be reminded of his father's promises." Rhaenyra stated firmly, "What news from Driftmark?" she asked, turning to Rhaenys.

"Lord Corlys sails for Dragonstone." Rhaenys answered, her voice full of conviction.

"To declare for his Queen." Daemon interjected.

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