Chapter Nine -Unhealthy Habits

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Juliana's POV

I rolled over, flopping onto my other side. It was day eight of living with Uncle Stefano and my body was still trying to revert back to New York time. Meaning that even though it was technically 3 am, for me it felt like 9 pm.

I had tried everything. I had tried reading, listening to music, watching the most boring movie I could think of, nothing was working.

I shouldn't.

'But it would work'.

But I never know when to stop.

'Just one hour. That's it. Nothing more.' The little voice in the back of my head coaxed.

'I'm going to regret this.' I thought as I got up and went to the map of the house that I had put in one of the desk drawers. Massimo had given me one when I admitted to him that I kept getting lost.

What does it say that this place is so big that they not only have elevators, but also have maps ready on hand? I mean sure, my house is huge, but this place is bigger than a freaking castle.

Glancing over the map I figured out that to get to the gym, for some reason, I would have to go up to the third floor, and then to the very back of that floor, which on the map didn't seem to be that far, but I knew differently. If the third floor layout was anything like all the other floors, then it would take a while to find.

I cringed when my door made a little popping sound, like that was enough to wake somebody up. The good thing about the setup of the hallway was that I wouldn't have to pass by everyone's rooms to get to the third floor.

As the rooms were set up pretty much oldest to youngest, I had Justin to the right of me and Elliot across the hall. Because unfortunately he was the younger twin. The way the hallway worked, between Elliot and Elijah's room there was a little passageway that cut straight to the stairs that would lead to the third floor.

Convenient, if you didn't want to have to walk all the way around the floor to get to the stairs.

I had changed into some workout clothes, put my hair up in a ponytail, grabbed my phone, a water bottle I had on my nightstand and the map of the house. And now I was tiptoeing past Elliot's room, pressing my lips together tightly to stop myself from laughing.

Through the nearly sound proof rooms, I could hear Elliot snoring his head off. Sounded like a freaking herd of Elephants running through his room.

Once I was on the third floor I was actually pretty surprised to see that it was literally a straight shoot from the stairs to the gym.

And boy was their gym amazing.

They had weights galore. I mean almost an entire wall just lined with them. They also had just about every machine you could possibly think of, and rows of them. They had medicine balls, the big bouncy balls that you sat on but that I never really saw any purpose to.

I broke out of my shock and went over to one of the lines of mats. I picked out a purple one and started with stretching. Then I did a few light exercises to warm up my muscles.

I decided that I would work on my legs, and went to the squat bar. The actual bar weighed about 20kg (40 pounds) and I decided to add roughly another 56 kg's (125 pounds) so that it would weigh in at about 77 kg's (170 pounds) and be exactly twice my weight.

I did 4 sets of 25, doing 100 weighted squats in total before I moved onto the leg pressing machine and did the same thing. 4 sets of 25, at twice my weight.

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