Chapter 34 - Ryker

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They caught him. The fucking idiot.

I told Remi they would eventually catch on. Now look where he is. In a fucking cell. The Italian's are smart people, I don't know what he was thinking, sending that blabbermouth Juliana straight into the lion's den.

'Oh, we need her to familiarise herself with them. It'll make it easier to gain their trust' and blah blah blah. Look how that ended up. This entire operation has gone to fucking shit. Nine and a half years, all down the drain. And for what?

I watch, following silently, as Juliana walks through the yard. She's been acting weird the ever since she got back from the hospital. She seems to have completely forgotten all her manners.

Good riddance Zeke isn't a father yet, he would do horribly. If he had an ounce of sense in his brain, the minute Juliana started crying he should have put an end to it. A few good hits and she would have snapped right out of it.

Maybe not even that. If he had just taken two fingers and pressed on her collarbone, she'd have gotten the idea. Oh, the way she would squirm and grit her teeth as she tried to not make any noise. That new tube she has in her stomach could come in handy also. I can only imagine having somebody pull it out of her intestines wouldn't feel very pleasant.

I'm getting hard just thinking about it. The screams she would make. The little whimpers and pleas. She's any man's wet dream.

I follow Juliana as she, obliviously, makes her way into the ridiculously large playground they have set up in their backyard. The fact that they allow Justin to act with such immaturity is despicable. He's a young man, he should act as such.

I smile when I notice Juliana struggling to go up the stairs leading into the large playset. She's in pain. But with whatever mental state they've manipulated her into, she doesn't quite seem to understand why.

It makes me mad to see her act with such adolescence. She is fourteen, not four. We've trained her better. But it's okay. I just need to keep reminding myself that soon enough, she will be back where she belongs. There, she will be reminded of her place, and her current temperament will be corrected.

It's only a matter of time and then I will have my fun again.

Juliana's POV

"You should be more careful, little girl." The guard comments as he finishes taping the ice pack to my shoulder. "You could have really hurt yourself."

"Says the one who pointed a gun at my head." I mumble, reaching out and taking the crutch from him as I hop down off the bathroom counter. I'm getting pretty good at this hopping thing. Though the stairs were an interesting ordeal, I survived.

"Just doing my job sweetheart." He smiles at me as we, very slowly, make our way back into the main portion of my bedroom.

"So, Ryan, is it?" I ask, leaning my weight into the crutch which is situated under my left arm as I make a quick, small hop with my right leg. "It's Ryker." He mumbles the correction in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Were you at my house?" I ask curiously as I ditch the crutch, letting it fall to the ground as I free-hop the next few feet to my bed and plop down.

It's a rhetorical question, I know he was the guard snooping through my room that night. However I don't want him to feel as though I'm being demanding when I start bombarding him with the mile long list of questions I have for him.

"Yes, that was me. I'm surprised you noticed." Ryder doesn't sound too surprised, more bored with me than anything.

"How could I not? I mean, I ranted to you for a good five minutes before I caught you snooping around in my bathroom." I teased, noticing how Rick seemed to stiffen slightly as he began to understand how much I truly remembered from that night.

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