Chapstick Challenge - All Boys

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(Edited)Request by masonzwife Hope you like this!

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Request by masonzwife Hope you like this!

Miguel Mora
You show the camera a Cherry flavored chapstick, covering it so Miguel doesn't see it even though he's wearing a blindfold.

"What flavor is this?" You kiss his puckering lips, softly. Miguel licks his lips, looking confused despite wearing a blindfold.

"Again." You give him another kiss. "Is it strawberry?"

"No. Guess again."

"One more time." You give him a last kiss. He jumps off joy upon figuring it out.

"Ooh, ooh, Cherry!"

"Yes, you got it!"

"Yayy, let's go!!" He pulls the blindfold up.

"Okay, next flavor." You pull the blindfold back down, causing Miguel to pout. You show the camera a strawberry flavored chapstick next. You apply it and put the cap on after.


"Yeah." You peck his lips. Miguel hums, his thinking face on.

"Beso." You kiss him longer this time. He savors the kiss like he does to any of your kisses. (Kiss.)

"Strawberry!" Miguel shouts, hearing your laugh.

"Yeah, good job!" You take the blindfold from his hands, putting it over your eyes.

After Miguel had done the same, you did the outro and ended the video.

Mason Thames
You show the camera a vanilla flavored chapstick. You apply it and look at the dancing boy next to you. You kiss him, causing Mason to jump back, not expecting that.

"Wait, can I smell it?"

"Yeah." You nod, getting your lips to him as if you were going to kiss his nose. He sniffs, nodding and humming.

"I'm going to guess even though I know it's going to be right because this is your natural scent." Mason says, causing your jaw to drop in offense. "Daring, close your mouth." You look shocked at how he knew. "Vanilla."

"First, offended here. And second, yeah you guessed it."

"Yay. Next one." You show the camera a holiday cinnamon chapstick next. You apply it and kiss your favorite boy aka Mason Thames. He licks the lips, tasting the flavor to make sure. "Cinnamon."

"No, it's wrong."

He takes the blindfold off, "What? But it tastes like cinnamon."

"Yeah, but it's holiday cinnamon."

"It's basically the same thing."

"Well, you still got the answer wrong."

"I at least got the cinnamon part. That's half a point."


He smirks proudly, crossing his arms.

You take a turn in guessing, then do the end of the video.

Jaden Walton
You show the camera a lemon flavored chapstick.

"K, you're going to like this one." You speak, applying the product on your lips.

"I'm excited then." Jaden puckers his lips, feeling your lips on his a second later. He gets the answer in a second, "Lemon flavor." Your jaw drops, Jaden somehow sensing the look on your face. "Close your mouth, princess. Don't want the fans to think I made you open your mouth that wide." (Holy sh-)

You snap your mouth open. "Okay, then."

You show the camera a pink grapefruit flavored chapstick next. You apply it and kiss him. Jaden hums, saying the first guess that comes to mind. "Grapefruit."

You make a buzz sound, "Err, wrong."

He takes the blindfold off. "What, but it tastes like grapefruit."

"It's pink grapefruit."

"It's basically the same thing." Jaden shouts, getting defensive. "I at least get half a point."

You grumble, "Fine."

"Thank you." He smiles, trumpedly.

Javon Walton
You show the camera a cake batter flavored chapstick. You apply it with Javon waiting for the first flavor. "Okay, ready Wanna?"

"Yep, i'm ready, let's do it." He puckers his lips, feeling your soft lips on his. Javon hums, looking like he was enjoying this too much. (He was)

"Hint: I use this flavor everyday." You hint at the flavor, knowing that he knows it.

"Oh, easy, cake batter." Javon shrugs, hearing you clap.

"Good job, baby." You kiss his cheek, bringing a smile to his face.

You show the camera a holiday cocoa flavored chapstick next. You apply the chapstick and kiss his adorable, puckering lips. He hums, turning to what he guesses is you.

"Oh, easy, cocoa."

"It was holiday cocoa."

"What?!! That's the same thing."

"If that's what makes you sleep at night, sure." You say, feeling guilty upon seeing his sad face. You sigh, "Fine, i'll give you half a point."

Javon thinks for a moment. "I'll take it."

Aidan Gallagher
You show the camera a watermelon flavored chapstick.

"Okay, this is the first flavor."

"I'm ready." He says, puckering his lips. You peck his lips, licking them to play with him. "Ugh, Y/N." You giggle, looking at the camera. "Is it Melon?"

"No, need one more try?" Aidan nods, puckering his sweet, pink lips.

"Yes, please." You gave his a longer kiss, but not too much, knowing he doesn't like PDA, especially on camera. "Watermelon."

"Correct, baby." He squeals, puckering his lips again. You look at him confused. "What are you doing?"

"I want a kiss." You giggle, kissing his lips a couple of times.

You show the coca cola flavored chapstick to the camera next. (I had to. Ifykyk) You kiss him, softly. Aidan perks up at the new flavor, but also a familiar flavor.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"I don't know. What do you think it is."

"Coca-Cola. It's my favorite drink, well, other than coffee and water."

"Well, I had to pick something you would like."

"You did the right thing, darling." Aidan says, taking the blindfold off and attacking your face with his kisses. You laugh at the tickles he gave you, squirming every time he pokes your stomach.

963 words

Had fun making this chapter. Thank you for requesting! See you in the next chapter!! Hasta la vista, mis amigas y amigos!! (Until then, my friends & my babes!)

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