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《《Last Day of the School Trip Pt1. 》》

1115 words 

Saiki had been thinking about Y/n nonstop and his been trying to get rid of it. It gets even worst when she goes and talk to him. 

He was determined to get away this time especially since he wants a limited sweet coffee flavored anmitsu that only has a total of 5 each day before being sold out. He was trying to get away from the guys while the girls were together. 

While Y/n was with Kei who joined in well y/n called him this time. Saiki knew this and his mood was reduced to way lower than usual. 

"Why aren't we with your friends N/n?" 

"I'm planning to get everyone a gift!" 

Kei looks at his best friend who had her fingers on her chin thinking hard on what to get her friends making Kei pout.

"So that means your not giving me anything? That's so mean Y/n!" 

Y/n looks at Kei before laughing and patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry Kei I already got you one long ago" 

"Wait really?" 

Kei looks at Y/n with sparkly eyes while the e/c eyes look at him and nodding. The two then continued on. 

"Who we looking gifts for first?"

"The easiest would be the girls then the boys that's where you become useful later Kei" 

"Ouch that kind of hurt my feelings yk. Only using me for that purpose so mean of you N/n" 

Kei says dramatically holding his shirt tightly pretending his heart been hurt by Y/n's words making her laugh. 

"Stop being so dramatic" 

"You know if we think about it you can't say much about being dramatic" 

When Kei said this he received a playful punch from the h/c haired girl making him wince in pain dramatically again before finally composing himself. 

"But why so sudden?" 

"I just want to give them something for being my friends since I didn't expect to make that many fast" 

Kei sees the genuine smile Y/n had making him smile before patting her head she looks up and sees her best friend having a huge smile plastered on his face. 

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now