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《《Sunday Baking 》》

1117 words 

Y/n woke up and got ready to go to Kei's Family Mansion. Since the whole family had moved together with Kei who transferred. His parents and Y/n's have met for business since they move but It's been hectic for them. 

Aoki and L/n family business talking about the expanding of their shared partnership. Anyways Y/n finally got everyone's presents besides Kusuo. The 2 weeks when the pink haired was avoiding Y/n made the presents delayed since Y/n wanted to give it all at the same time. 

Now that the situation had been handled she can finally give them all after getting Kusuo's present. Which she decided to be a self bake coffee jelly by hers truly. 

Kei is gonna be the assistant of hers once again. 


She finally arrived in front of the Mansion in awe at how big it is. 

"I think this is even bigger than the old one you guys had" 

Kei laughs at this comment before opening the door for Y/n like a gentlemen he is. 

"Ladies first" 

Y/n giggles at this before walking inside with Kei following behind. What she saw was shocking and astonishing but at the same time she expected this of Aoki family since they were a powerful rich family. 

It had a lot of displays of vases that probably caused a lot of money and other expensive things. Even have a big beautiful chandelier in different places of the house but the biggest one was the one you see when you step foot inside the Mansion. 

"Oh my Aoki family never cease to amaze me like this" 

"Oh stop being so humble N/n you know that you can easily buy one exactly like this" 

Kei doesn't mean this as a rude or sarcastic remark but just a fact. Y/n rolls her eyes at his words before smiling.

"Well you know my family we lowkey" 

Kei laughs agreeing going to the big fridge in the kitchen getting out a drink taking a sip. Before he points at the large space kitchen. 

"Well here is the kitchen we are gonna be working on Ms. Baker~" 

Y/n nodded looking at the kitchen satisfied.

"You got ingredients right?"

"Yes of course!" 

Fell First & Fell Harder~{Saiki Kusuo X Fem Y/n☆}Where stories live. Discover now