Chapter one

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Neteyam glided gracefully through the skies astride his loyal ikran. Today, he yearned for a grand hunt, to revel in the thrill of the chase, but it seemed that fate had other plans for him. An unfamiliar aircraft emerged from the forest, and though it did not fly in the direction of the Omatikaya settlement, a sense of duty impelled him to investigate further. After a few minutes, the aircraft descended onto the forest ground once again, disappearing from his sight in the thick curtains of trees.

Guiding his ikran with a gentle touch, Neteyam perched on a solid branch. "Mawey, mawey," he whispered, as he patted the ikran's neck, trying to soothe the distressed creature. With bow and arrows secure on his back, he swiftly moved through branches, looking for any signs of the aircraft's occupants. Discovering fresh footprints, he followed their path, leading him to two armored soldiers. They were using some advanced tools, rummaging around, meticulously searching the forest floor.

Without knowing their intent, he was sure he couldn't let any of their kind come closer to the perimeters of the village. His bowstring drew taut, arrow ready. The first soldier fell lifeless to the ground, a silent casualty of his skill. As he readied for a second shot, the other soldier's call for reinforcements echoed loudly.

Another swift arrow brought down the second soldier, but Neteyam's triumph was short-lived. A trio of soldiers arrived, assessing the fallen. He realized they'd summon more aid and acted swiftly, preparing another arrow to shoot.

"There!" the soldier exclaimed, tracking his movement with a small device, perfectly pointing at Neteyam's location. "Open fire!" Bullets streamed towards Neteyam, prompting him to take cover behind a nearby tree trunk to evade them. Attempting to make a run for it during the brief pauses in the shooting, he soon found himself cornered when a fourth soldier appeared just meters away.

With the soldier aiming his gun at him, Neteyam knew his fate was sealed. "Oh Great Mother, in moments I shall be reunited with you," he thought, closing his eyes in acceptance of what seemed inevitable.

Just as one pair of eyes was on the verge of closing, a mere few meters from the group of firing soldiers at the cornered Na'vi boy, another pair of eyes remained wide open, intently observing the entire scene. The eyes belonged to Naveah, hidden behind a veil of thick bushes, remaining undetected throughout the encounter. With swift and silent movements, she executed her plan flawlessly, leaving the three soldiers lifeless as her throwing knives found their marks, shattering their oxygen masks into countless pieces. One powerful leap brought her closer to the last remaining soldier, who was readying to fire at the cornered Na'vi. As her knife hit its mark, ending the soldier's threat just in the nick of time, the echo of a single gunshot filled the air.

"I hope I was not too late," Naveah tought, her concern evident, as she rushed to check on him, fearing the worst. He was there, his body leaning against the tree trunk, seemingly motionless. The marks of fear still etched on his stiff expression. His eyes wide open, staring at the fallen soldier in disbelief, as if he couldn't quite comprehend how he had survived. The bullet fired from the the soldier's deadly weapon had left only a scratch on his cheek, a memento of this fateful day.

"Oh, thank Eywa, you're alive!" Naveah exclaimed with heartfelt relief. The weight of the intense situation finally took its toll on her as she fell to her knees, gasping for breath, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins.

Neteyam, still somewhat frozen in the aftermath of the encounter, blinked a few times, finally turning his gaze to his savior. Yet, what he saw was not at all what he expected. From behind a thick crust of dried mud, a pair of big purple eyes stared back at him. The person's body and limbs were also covered with dirt and pigments, as if emerging from the very earth itself. Wearing a crown crafted from various leaves on the head, it was evident this attire was meant for camouflage.

Deep in the Violet | Neteyam X fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now