⇢ 04. life after

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04. ❛ life after.


Finally, after six damn years, Sofia got her life together and was happy. She spent years hating Charles Leclerc with every cell in her being, but eventually, she learned to let go and just move on. She finished fashion school, raised her beautiful daughter, and finally took over the family business; she had never been happier.

After that dreadful day in Monaco, Sofia wasn't really the same. When Charles left her there without so much as a word, he took a piece of her with him. And while she will never be the same, she grew and learned to adapt to the way life was. She stayed there in Monaco for the next year, learning how to parent her daughter, Jules, and situating her life out. But once she got the hang of it, she left. She couldn't stand being in Monaco with the shame and hurt Charles had left her with.

Sometimes heartbreak will feel light, like a feather falling from the sky. Other times, it will hurt so much you'll stand in front of the mirror and beg, why? It will come and go through chapters of your life. You will cry. You will lie awake at night, hoping it will pass in the morning. And it will pass. The ache will pass with every tide and return when things have come crashing down. It is a continuous cycle, here to make you stronger. And Sofia did get stronger.

She moved into a penthouse in London as she started to run her business. While it was hard being a single mother and running a family fashion business all on her own, Sofia survived and blossomed into the wonderful woman she is now.

One of the biggest things that brought a smile to her face, though, was the fact that she took over her family business, an iconic Monegasque fashion house known as "House of Rinaldi" that is headquartered in London, England.

It was the biggest "fuck you" she had indirectly, but proudly, shoved in Charles's face, despite him making a name for himself in Formula 1.

After completing her studies in the finest design schools across Europe, Sofia spent five years honing her craft, working in the world's most renowned fashion houses, and collaborating with cutting-edge artists. Her experiences only deepened her understanding of the industry and its potential for reinvention.

Just two years ago, Isabelle Rinaldi made the monumental announcement that Sofia would be taking over the reins of the business. Sofia's vision for the house was as bold as it was graceful. Drawing inspiration from the house's rich heritage, she envisioned pushing the boundaries of fashion, embracing sustainability, and creating ethereal designs that evoke emotions and narratives.

Sofia elevated the business into a beacon of conscious luxury, where every garment tells a story of craftsmanship, elegance, and environmental responsibility.

Beyond its exceptional clothing line, Rinaldi expanded its influence into the realms of haute couture, accessories, and fragrance. The tantalizing scents created by the house's perfumers evoke memories of enchanting gardens, each one encapsulating a unique chapter of the family's history.

So while Charles Leclerc might've been living his life perfectly fine as a Formula 1 driver for Scuderia Ferrari, Sofia and her daughter were doing just as fine in London, owning one of the most fashion companies in the world.

And it wasn't just the failed couple who had succeeded in life; Sofia's best friend, Aurora Spencer, had also made a name for herself in the music industry as a singer-songwriter. Her increase in fame led her to meet McLaren Formula 1 driver Lando Norris at a party two years ago, and the two have been dating ever since.

A knock at her door shook Sofia out of her thoughts and brought her back to reality. A boy no older than 23 stood at the entrance of Sofia's office, a clipboard in hand as he nervously peaked his head into her office, "I'm so sorry to interrupt you, boss, but, uh, the fashion design department from downstairs has finished the sketch for the dress Zendaya will be wearing at Cannes."

"You weren't interrupting anything, Noah. Let me see the sketch," Sofia smiled and beckoned her assistant inside, outstretching her hand for the sketch. "Oh...uh, it's a piece of shit." She bluntly replied with a frown after seeing the horrible design, "Nothing about this screams red carpet, nonetheless Zendaya. My grandmother wouldn't ever be caught considering this. Send it back and tell them to pull their heads out of their asses and give me something worth looking at, hmm?"

"Yes, ma'am." Noah nodded frantically and fixed his glasses, taking the sketch back and making his way out of the office, "I'll make sure they come up with something else, good day."

"Good day." Sofia bid her assistant goodbye before standing up and walking around her desk. The early afternoon sun spilled its golden rays through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Dressed impeccably in a tailored navy-blue pantsuit with a pop of color from her silk scarf, she exuded an air of confidence and sophistication that matched her role as the creative director of the company.

In her spacious corner office, Sofia stood in front of a large mood board adorned with fabric swatches, sketches, and magazine cutouts. She was preparing for the upcoming launch of the company's latest collection, a project she had poured her heart and soul into for months. Her keen eye for design and attention to detail were evident in every element carefully curated on the board.

With a notepad in hand, she began jotting down some last-minute adjustments and ideas that struck her as she analyzed the board. Her passion for fashion was palpable as she furrowed her brows, deep in thought. Sofia took pride in leading her team by example, encouraging creativity, and fostering an environment that nurtured new talents in the industry, but sometimes, she needed to be a bit more brutal than usual for the design company to give her a piece of work that was worth the time and money she invested.

As the clock ticked closer to the sixth hour, Sofia's phone chimed with a message notification. She smiled as she read the text from her daughter's karting instructor, reminding her about picking up Jules from her karting practice.

As much as Sofia tried to keep her daughter away from motorsports, her daughter was just as passionate as her father and begged Sofia to let her attend karting lessons. After a lengthy discussion about safety and commitment, Sofia allowed her daughter to start karting a year ago. With the guidance of Lando Norris and his friends in Formula 1, Jules excelled. She obviously inherited her talent from her father.

Before leaving her office, Sofia quickly gathered a few fabric samples and design sketches to bring home. She always found inspiration in the most unexpected moments, and it was not uncommon for her to have a stroke of genius while watching Jules in action on the karting track.

Leaving her office, Sofia made her way through the bustling open-plan workspace. Her colleagues greeted her with admiration and respect. She exchanged friendly nods and brief hellos as she walked by, her mind still partially occupied by the disastrous sketch she was shown earlier.

Outside, London's vibrant streets greeted Sofia with their unique energy. The valet brought her DBX707 podium green Aston Martin. Now, Sofia wasn't an SUV type of girl. In fact, she loved the convertible sports cars and their dangerous atmosphere, but for the sake of her daughter, she figured the SUV was just going to have to do. Besides, her daughter might've liked karting and wanted to pursue a career in Formula 1 as a female, but she absolutely despised convertible sports cars.

Arriving at the karting track, Sofia was greeted by the sight of Jules, who was already dressed in her racing gear and helmet. The excitement in her daughter's eyes was contagious, and Sofia's heart swelled with happiness as she wrapped her arms around Jules.

"Hey, fiorellina," Sofia kissed the top of her daughter's red helmet, flashing a warm smile her way, "You're going to do great out there, Jules," Sofia said with a reassuring smile. "Remember, focus on the track, and trust your instincts. Your kart goes where your eyes go."

"I know, mamma. I've got this, don't worry." Jules let out a bubbly laugh and winked at her mom, her determination evident as she got ready to hit the track once more. "I've studied Uncle Lando's notes and videos; I know what to do."

"Okay, little Miss Confident, let's see how well you do then." Sofia chuckled and watched as her daughter nodded, accepting the little challenge. She looked on with a mix of pride and admiration as her daughter fearlessly zipped around the circuit, showcasing the same drive and passion that Charles poured into Formula 1.

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