⇢ 05. sunset ice cream dates

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05. ❛ sunset ice cream dates.

THE SUN SLOWLY descended behind the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink as Sofia sat on the bleachers, looking down at her daughter, who continued to race. The sound of revving engines filled the air, and the smell of gasoline mixed with the excitement of the children speeding around the track. Sofia's heart swelled with pride as she spotted Jules skillfully maneuvering her go-kart amidst the other young racers.

Wearing a bright smile, Sofia sat up straighter in her seat, her blonde curls dancing in the gentle breeze. She clapped her hands in encouragement as Jules skillfully navigated the final turn and came to a smooth stop. Her daughter's face was flushed with excitement, and she beamed with delight as she removed her helmet, shaking her hair out.

Sofia's heart will never not skip a beat anytime she glances at her daughter because she looks so much like him. He might no longer be in front of her, but all she saw was him.

Jules stood a little tall for her age and showed early signs of a lean and athletic build. She inherited her mother's blonde hair, which complemented her father's eye color beautifully. Jules got Sofia's graceful and contoured face with high cheekbones and Charles' strong and defined jawline.

She inherited her father's cute little smile and dimples, and her expressions were animated and endearing, reflecting the happiness and warmth she feels inside.

But her eyes, oh god, Sofia almost breaks down every time she looks into them. Jules has her father's enchanting green eyes, which is one of her most striking features. Her eyes are large and expressive, just like her mother's, drawing people in with their warmth and sincerity.

"Mamma, did you see that?" Jules exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"I saw everything, baby! You were amazing out there!" Sofia praised, her voice filled with pride as she walked down the stairs and crushed her daughter in a hug, lifting her off the floor and doing a little spin.

"I know." Jules nodded and tied her hair back, lifting her chin high with pride.

Sofia rolled her eyes with a laugh and took hold of her daughter's hand, making her way back to the car. She cherished these moments spent with Jules, seeing her grow into a confident and talented young girl.

"So, where would you like to go now?" Sofia asked, her eyes shining with anticipation as she helped Jules into the car.

Jules' face lit up as she replied, "Ice cream! Can we go get ice cream, Mamma?"

"Of course! Ice cream it is," Sofia agreed, laughing as she turned up the radio, listening to the local soundtracks. It just so happened that her best friend's song came up.

"Wait—" Jules raised her eyebrows and squinted as she looked at the screen, listening to the song. "Isn't that Auntie Rora singing?"

"I think it is." Sofia chuckled and turned up the volume, nodding her head along to the beat, "I can't wait to tell her she came up on the radio today."

Jules just giggled and looked out the window, singing along to the few songs she knew. They drove to a nearby ice cream parlor, its colorful signage and delicious aroma inviting them inside. The tinkling of a bell announced their entry, and the friendly staff greeted them warmly. The parlor was adorned with vibrant decorations, and the display of delectable ice cream flavors made it a difficult choice to pick just one.

𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘴 , charles leclercWhere stories live. Discover now