Chapter 1

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In the heart of an enchanted forest, dappled sunlight filtered through the ancient canopy, casting an ethereal glow upon the mossy ground. The air was alive with the soft symphony of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves. Within this mystical realm, two worlds were about to collide, as fate drew together a magical prince and a monster princess.

Prince Eclipse, adorned in royal attire with a shimmering cloak and a crown that sparkled like stardust, moved through the woods with grace and curiosity. He had ventured into the enchanted forest, seeking solace from the responsibilities that weighed upon his regal shoulders and his wretchedly terrible wife whom he was forced to marry only a few weeks prior in preparation for his mothers dissension of the throne. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to a life-changing encounter.

On the other side of the woods, hidden away in a secluded grove, lived Princess (y/n). Princess to the monster kingdom, she possessed an allure that was both enchanting and fearsome. Her skin was a mosaic of iridescent scales, and her eyes glowed with an otherworldly radiance. (Y/n) had a heart that yearned for connection and acceptance.

As Prince Eclipse wandered deeper into the forest, he was unexpectedly drawn to a mysterious melody that seemed to resonate from the heart of the woods. The enchanting notes tugged at his heartstrings, leading him closer to Princess (y/n)'s hidden sanctuary as he began to listen to her words.

"The stars are very beautiful above the palace walls
They shine with equal splendor still above far humbler halls
I watch them from my window, but their bright, entrancing glow
Reminds me of the freedom I gave up so long ago

The royal circlet of bright gold rests lightly on my brow
I once thought only of the rights this circlet would endow
But once I took the crown to which I had been schooled and bred
I found it heavy on the heart, though light upon the head

Although I am the head of state, in truth I am the least
The true Queen knows her people fed, before she sits to feast
The good Queen knows her people safe, before she takes her rest
Thinks twice and thrice and yet again, before she makes request"

In the clearing, he beheld the breathtaking sight of the princess. She sat gracefully by a tranquil pond, her (h/l) hair cascading like a waterfall around her. As he observed her from afar, he saw her softly singing a haunting melody, her voice a combination of unearthly beauty and sorrow.

"For they are all my children, all that I swore to defend
It is my duty to become both Queen and trusted friend—
And of my children high and low, from beggar to above
The dearest are my Heralds, who return my care with love

The dearest are my Heralds, swift to spring to my command
Who give me aid and fellowship, who always understand
That land and people first have needs that I may not deny—
So I must send my dearest friends to danger—and to die

A friend, a love, a child—it matters not. I know indeed
That I must sacrifice them all if there should be the need
They know, and they forgive me—doing more than I require
With willing minds and loving hearts go straight to grasp the fire

These tears that burn my eyes are all the tears the Queen can't shed
The tears I weep in silence as I mourn my Heralds dead
O Gods that dwell beyond the stars, if you can hear my cry—
And if you have compassion—let me send no more to die!"

It hurt his heart to hear the pain in her voice at the words of her song, it hurt to see the tears of sorrow she shed for her people knowing that she was referring to the monster wars that his mother had been raging for as long as he could remember. Compelled by her mesmerizing song, Prince Eclipse stepped out from behind the trees, revealing himself to the princess. (Y/n) frightened by the stranger swiftly rose to her feet, her glowing (e/c) eyes widening in surprise and apprehension. She had grown used to avoiding mewmin encounters due to their prejudices.

The prince, sensing her fear, held his hands up in a gesture of peace. "Fear not, fair maiden," he said, his voice gentle and soothing. "I mean no harm. I was merely drawn by the captivating melody of your song." He explained with a small smile. Slowly she studied him cautiously, but something in his demeanor put her somewhat at ease.

"What are you doing here?" She then asked cautiously. "In my brother's territory?" She questioned keeping her eyes trained on the mewman. slowly the hidden figure shrouded I'm shadow came into the light as she saw evergreen pine hair and gentle purple eyes, but what caught her eye the most was the dark purple spade mark on his right cheek. "The Mewni crowned prince, what are you doing here?" She asked skeptically.

Eclipse took another step closer, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity and empathy. "Well my dear I heard I could get a special ingredient here in the dark forest for one of my spells." He explained truthfully, reaching into his pocket for a small notepad that had a series of ingredients listed. Lifting it to try and show her she quickly shook her head gesturing for him to put it away. "Look, I don't really care. Your ingredients should be just over there." She said pointing to a large tree nearby. "But you should really leave before my brother discovers you're here." She says hastily.

"Your brother? Well if I'm in your brother's territory then that must make you the princess of monsters." He said with a bow. "my apologies your highness." He said making her blush. Rising back to his normal position he gently took her surprisingly small clawed hand in his larger one and placed a soft kiss onto her knuckles. "I'm Prince Eclipse Butterfly, and what's your name my lady?" He questioned with a smile

She stared at the man in front of her in complete shock and awe before stuttering out the only words that came to her mind. "You... you're not afraid of me?" she asked, her voice tinged with vulnerability. Looking at the princess in shock he simply chuckled with a small smile. "Why should I fear you?" he replied, his sincerity evident. "You are no ordinary maiden, that much is true. But there is a beauty in your uniqueness, a charm that sets you apart." He exclaimed, making the princess step back in shock as a mixture of emotions flickered across her face- astonishment, disbelief, confusion. "I'm still waiting on your name, princess." He then smirked with a wink flustering the girl further.

"I am princess (y/n) but most just call me (y/n)..." she said in almost a whisper. "(Y/n)... a lovely name for a lovely lady." He then whispered in awe of the woman in front of him. Her face burning with heat at the boldness of this mewman royal. And though she told him to leave on many occasions that night, the minutes soon passed into hours, Prince Eclipse and Princess (y/n) sat by the pond, sharing stories from their respective worlds. The more they talked, the more they realized they were not so different after all. Both wanted peace for their people.

In that enchanted forest, amidst the ancient trees and the magical aura that surrounded them, a bond was forged between the magical prince and the monster princess. It was a connection that transcended appearances and preconceptions, proving that the most powerful magic of all was the magic of understanding and acceptance. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the two newfound friends, they knew that their encounter marked the beginning of a remarkable and transformative journey together.

(A/N): hello everyone! I'm back! Kinda any way! Don't worry I'm still working on my Hunter story and the Shen story but those might take a bit longer because I want them to be good! This one I'm not taking as much care with but it'll still be fun and it might go kinda fast! If you want to see something specific in this story let me know and I'll fit it in.

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