Chapter 5

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In the majestic castle of their kingdom, Prince Eclipse and Princess (y/n) found themselves in the grand library of the monster temple, surrounded by shelves of ancient tomes and enchanting tales. The sun's warm rays filtered through the stained glass windows, creating a kaleidoscope of colors on the floor. They had come here seeking a moment of solitude, away from the prying eyes, to revel in each other's company to help the princess in her recovery. It had been several years since they fell in love, overcoming the boundaries that once separated their worlds.

As they perused the books together, Eclipse couldn't help but marvel at his wife's radiance even when sick she seemed to be glowing. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence and kindness, and he was utterly enamored by her grace and charm. They were deeply in love, their bond strengthened by the adventures they had shared and the challenges they had overcome. (Y/n) paused at a particularly ancient-looking book, her fingers delicately tracing the embossed letters on the cover. Sensing her curiosity, Eclipse joined her, peering at the faded title from over her shoulder as he gently placed his hands on her waist. As he read it aloud, a twinkle of wonder gleamed in his eyes.

"Legends of the Kingdoms Past," he said softly, raising an intrigued eyebrow. "Shall we explore this forgotten tale?" (Y/n) smiled, her heart fluttering with excitement at the prospect of discovering an untold story. Excitedly grabbing his arm she had them settle into a pair of ornate armchairs, each taking one side of the book. As they enjoyed the tranquility of the evening, Prince Eclipse gently brushed a strand of (Y/N)'s hair away from her face, his tender touch filled with love and affection. "(Y/N), my love," Prince Eclipse whispered, "I can't believe how fortunate I am to have you by my side. You've brought so much light and joy into my life." He smiled a love sick smile making (Y/N) chuckle, her eyes shimmering with happiness.

"And you, my prince, have shown me a world I never knew existed. Your kindness, strength, and bravery have changed my life in ways I couldn't have dreamed." She exclaimed bringing him closer to her before exchanging a sweet kiss, savoring the love that had grown between them, stronger with each passing day. Little did they know that their love was about to bring forth an even greater blessing. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, they continued to read their hands intertwined tightly. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and a sense of serenity enveloped them.

Unbeknownst to them, the monster temple's physician, Lady Amelia, had been searching for the royal couple. With a gentle knock, she entered the library, her eyes softening as she beheld the young couple lost in their literary adventure. "Your Highnesses," she said, breaking their reverie, "I apologize for interrupting, but I have important news about her highnesses sickness." Eclipse and (y/n) looked up, their eyes widening as they saw Lady Amelia's expression, a mix of delight and compassion. "What is it, Lady Amelia?" (Y/n)  inquired, her heart beginning to race with anticipation. With a knowing smile, Lady Amelia announced, "I am pleased to inform you that you are going to have a baby, Your Highnesses. You are expecting a royal heir."

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the weight of Lady Amelia's words sank in. Eclipse and (y/n) exchanged a glance of pure astonishment, their faces slowly breaking into joyful smiles. "A baby?" (Y/n)  whispered, her voice filled with wonder and happiness. Eclipse wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, and kissed her forehead. "Yes, my love," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "A baby, our baby. I can't believe it." Tears of joy welled up in the princess's eyes as they embraced, their hearts overflowing with love and excitement. Lady Amelia stepped back, allowing them a moment of intimacy and celebration before a thought filled her mind. "We have to tell my brother!" She then exclaimed, turning to her husband.

With their hearts brimming with joy, Eclipse and (y/n)  made their way to the throne room to share the momentous news with Globgor. Globgor the king of monsters had always been supportive of their love and had come to cherish Eclipse as a brother and a trusted advisor.
As they approached the grand doors of the throne room, (y/n)'s nerves tingled with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. She knew her brother would be overjoyed, but the weight of their responsibility as future parents weighed on her mind.

Taking a deep breath, (y/n) pushed open the doors, revealing the regal chamber. Globgor sat upon his ornate throne, attending to the kingdoms affairs. Upon seeing his sister and Eclipse enter, he rose to his feet, a warm smile spreading across his face. "(Y/n), Eclipse, what brings you here?" He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. (Y/n) couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She exchanged a glance with Eclipse, who gently squeezed her hand in reassurance, and then she announced, "Brother, we have wonderful news to share with you."

Then suddenly Globgor's curiosity turned to anticipation. "What is it?" he inquired, taking a step forward. "We are going to have a baby. You're going to be an uncle, and the kingdom will have a new heir!" She exclaimed with a radiant smile. The king's eyes widened with joy and surprise. He took a moment to process the news, and then a euphoric grin broke across his face. "A baby? Truly?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with elation. "Oh (y/n), Eclipse, I can't express how happy I am for you both! This is incredible news!"

He stepped forward and embraced his sister and brother-in-law in a warm hug. Eclipse, feeling a mix of pride and nervousness, expressed his gratitude for Globgor's support and guidance over the years. Suddenly when he pulled back from the embrace, his eyes gleamed with pride. "I have no doubt that you two will make wonderful parents," he said. "Your child will be born into a world of love and care, and I will be there to support you every step of the way."

(Y/n) wiped away a happy tear and nodded. "Thank you, brother. Your support means the world to us." As the three of them stood together, Globgor took on a more serious tone. "This calls for a grand celebration," he declared. "The entire monster kingdom must rejoice in the news of a new heir. We shall prepare a feast and share our happiness with all our subjects."

The news of the impending royal birth spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom. The monster's  joy knew no bounds, and the preparations for the celebration were set in motion. The castle was adorned with colorful banners, and the streets filled with laughter, music, and dance.

As the sun set, the grand feast commenced, and people from all walks of life gathered to honor the soon-to-be parents and the kingdom's future heir. Globgor stood alongside the royal couple, raising his glass to toast the upcoming arrival of the new member of the royal family. "To the future," he said, his voice carrying across the hall. "To love, to family, and to the promise of a bright and prosperous future for our kingdom!" The hall erupted in cheers, and the atmosphere was filled with love and hope. (Y/n)  and Eclipse beamed with happiness, knowing that they had the support and love of their family, their kingdom, and each other.

As they held each other close, surrounded by their loved ones, they knew that their journey into parenthood would be an extraordinary one, and they eagerly anticipated the new chapter that awaited them—one filled with love, laughter, and the magic of a family united in a realm of happiness and harmony. And soon  the news spread far and wide throughout the kingdom, a wave of jubilation swept over every monster territory, all elated that their beloved princess was with child. celebrating the news of a new heir to the throne. a new chapter in Prince Eclipse and Princess (y/n)'s story began—a chapter filled with hope, love, and the promise of a bright future for their growing family and their kingdom.

But for others this meant war.

A little touch of darkness Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant