Chapter 4

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In the opulent halls of the Mewminia Castle, the Queen of Mewnie, Solaria, paced back and forth with a furrowed brow. Rumors had been swirling through the kingdom, whispers of a forbidden love that had blossomed between her beloved son, Prince Eclipse, and a mysterious Monster Princess named (Y/N). She had hoped they were nothing more than mere gossip, but a mother's intuition told her there was truth to these tales.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Queen Solaria called for her son to meet her in the grand throne room. Eclipse arrived, his eyes shimmering with a mix of apprehension and determination. He knew the roumours would reach the ears of not only his mother but the magic high commission as well and he knew the time had come to face them and reveal the truth, no matter how difficult it might be.

The throne room was open and wide as Queen Solaria sat on her throne with the magic high commission by her side as if he were about to go to trial. "You called for me, mother." He asked, trying to keep his bitter tone in check. "Yes I did. And am I right to believe that you know why you've been summoned?" She asked, her eyes almost filled with a pleading notion. "Yes I assume all this is about the rumors about-" "yes yes about how you've fallen in love with a vial monster, but tell me this all isn't true and we can move on from this little spat." The queen cut off her son desperate for the answer she seeked but little did she know she had lit a fire.

Eclipse's blood boiled at the description his mother had used to describe his beloved wife. Vile? His wife was anything but vial, she was sweet, kind, Maybe a little reckless and stubborn at times but never vile. And suddenly his composure snapped.
"I think you mean the rumors about me and my WIFE!" Eclipse shouted bitterly, no longer caring about his reputation. "Yes yes about- wait wife?" She asked hesitantly "oh- oh darling tell me it isn't true!" She exclaimed in shock as the high commission members whispered to one another at the new development.

Eclipse simply looked at them all with determination laced in his gaze. "Did I stutter, mother?" He asked with venom in his voice like a viper. The room filled with gasps at his statement. Displeasure on their faces that slowly transformed from shock to anger and outrage. The tension in the grand throne room of Mewnie Castle was brittle as Queen Solaria slowly stood before her son. Their eyes locked in a battle neither intended to lose, the commission only aiding in the queen's battle against her son. The room seemed to crackle with unspoken emotions, and the air felt heavy with the weight of the revelation that had just been made.

"So, this is the truth you've been hiding from me, Eclipse?" The Queen's voice was icy, her eyes fixed on her son with a mix of disappointment and anger. "You dared to marry a monster behind my back, behind the commissions back, betraying our people? Betraying your wife?" Hearing this Eclipse took a step forward, his expression resolute. "Shastaica is not my wife Mother, we may be married but she is nothing to me. I love (Y/N) with all my heart and she is not the monster you believe her to be. Our love is real, and I cannot deny it any longer living in this castle with that devil woman."

The Queen's temper flared, and she slammed her boot against the floor, causing an echoing boom that reverberated through the room. "This is madness! You are the heir to the Mewmin throne, destined to lead our people with honor and responsibility. You cannot throw it all away for some fleeting infatuation with a creature of darkness!" She shouted. "(Y/N) is not a creature of darkness," Eclipse retorted, his voice tinged with frustration. "She is compassionate, wise, and she makes me a better person. Our love is pure, and it knows no boundaries."

"Pure? You speak of purity while breaking the very foundation of our kingdom's principles!" the Queen shot back, her regal demeanor faltering as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. "Do you not understand the consequences of your actions? The uproar this will cause among our people? You are jeopardizing everything for this mistress of yours!" Eclipse's eyes hardened, his voice shaking in anger. "I know this won't be easy for you to understand Mother. But trust me when I tell you that she is my wife! And I am willing to face the consequences. Love should not be bound by the chains of tradition and fear. She is where my priorities lie..." he said sternly.

But the Queen was adamant, unwilling to bend. "You are naive, Eclipse. Love cannot erase centuries of strife and hatred between our worlds. Your actions will only bring chaos and destruction."
Eclipse stepped forward, his voice unwavering in his rebuttal. "Mother, I understand your concerns, but I love (y/n) deeply, and I believe that understanding and acceptance are possible between our realms." He exclaimed TheQueen's gaze hardened, and she glared at him with disdain. "You dare to speak of understanding? You are ruining your life for a monster, and nothing can change that fact...." She finished.

Eclipse's face paled, torn between his love for (Y/N) and his duty to his kingdom but looking at his mothers face then the high commissions faces, and finally thinking of his beloved the decision wasn't hard to make. "I cannot abandon (Y/N), Mother. If you force me to choose, then I choose her." The room fell into silence, and the Queen's heart shattered at her son's choice. She had hoped he would see reason, but now it seemed he was lost to her forever. With a heavy heart, she whispered, "Then go, Eclipse. Leave this kingdom and never return. You are no longer my son."

Tears welled up in Eclipse's eyes as he took one final bow, knowing that he was leaving behind his home, his family, and his title for the love he believed in. With one final look at his mother, he turned and walked away, leaving behind everything he had ever known. As the doors of the throne room closed behind them, the Queen sank to her knees, her sobs echoing through the almost empty chamber, the magic high commission immediately going to the queen's comfort. The kingdom was left in shock, staying loyal to their Queen but also coming to the realization that love had the power to shatter even the strongest of bonds. It was a day that would be remembered in Mewnie's history, forever marking the day Prince Eclipse chose love over everything else.

A little touch of darkness Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora