be kind!

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"i don't like being vulnerable"


gently caressing the area where her heart is located, [name] tilted her head in confusion as she mindlessly walked out of the mayor's house.

'was i over-sharing? well, i don't feel... threatened. weird. just like how i felt around shanks...'

smiled the girl, playing with a lock of her hair.

"i should probably trim this again..."

[name] stopped on her tracks when she noticed nami, the mayor and luffy all sitting in silence as chouchou dropped off an empty bowl in front of the old man.

"am i interrupting something...?"

"oh, [name]! what took you so long?"

nami greeted her as the girl sat next to her.

"just had to make sure zoro doesn't bleed out anymore. what were you guys talking about?"

"it was about chouchou!"

luffy responded.

nami retold chouchou's story to [name], how his owner had died from an unknown disease and have left poor chouchou behind, and how the pup is protecting the shop that his owner left behind and by the end of it, the girl was literally crying rivers as she tried to cradle the poor pup only to end up getting smacked by its tail.

"poor chouchou... don't worry, we'll build a purge level security around your treasure!"

"we'll build a what now..?"

"knowing [name], she'll probably do it."

luffy snickered, earning a deadpan from nami.

"oh no, you're helping me with this young man."

"eeehh? well, okay i guess."

out of nowhere, a loud roar that shook the ground and the buildings around them interrupted their peace, and the mayor began panicking.

"oh no, it's him! it's the beast tamer mohji! run and hide!"

"huh? wait, hold up!"

the mayor dipped with nami in tow, leaving behind a confused [name] and luffy.

"that sounded like a bear."

"no luffy, it was a tiger."

"no, it was a bear!"

the two started bickering, completely ignoring the newcomer with his giant ass lion.

"c'mon chouchou, give us the key back so we can get my captain out of this cage."

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