woah, dragons! (pt.2)

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"serendipity. it will be mine someday."

disclaimer: not proof read :3

"remind me to never let [name] decide for us ever again!!"

"there's a reason why she's not the captain, after all!"

[name] is literally the definition of hazard. give her a chance to make a plan for the team, and she does the most dangerous shit ever just for fun.

the makeshift cart they made together slid down the mountain in great speed. on it was of course, the strawhats, grampa ryu and apis who were unfortunately involved in this bullshit.

"i swear to god, i'm gonna whoop your asses! whoever allowed [name] this decision, i'm gonna crush your skulls!!!"

nami shrieked, holding onto the dragon's tail for dear life with usopp barely holding onto her feet, flying in the air like a kite while [name] was quite literally jumping around in joy, landing on grampa ryu's back everytime then boosting herself up only to do it again and again.

"this is the best!"

"right? right?!"

luffy joined the girl, wobbling around like a noodle as he jumped up and down.

"are you kidding me?! this is insanity! we're gonna dieeee!!!"

chucking a random rock she managed to snatch was nami, completely annoyed over their nonchalance of the near death situation they're currently in.

the two avoided it though, as expected.

"let them be idiots. not like we can get down safely with those guys."

zoro pointed over to the shore from down the mountain a distance away from them, where the warships of the marines were currently at.

"don't worry, i'll protect you nami-swan, [name]-chwan!"

sanji swooned, swaying around in a love tornado despite literally standing on a moving cart.

"they sure are weird, aren't they... grampa ryu-"

cutting her own words off with a scream, apis covered her head with her arms when a blade-like material almost sliced across her cheek.

"i don't really need protection, sanji... take care of apis and miss nami instead."

[name] glared at the mysterious man in front of them as she tightened her grasp on the blade, almost bending it.

'who the hell is this swirly top-? wait... it's the cupcake-looking bastard from earlier! the heck is up with his nails?! they're blades...?'

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