[1]: The beginning

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost please reference the chapter "New content :)"

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Niall POV:

I kept my eyes forward as I walked through the crowds of new faces. I held the straps of my backpack to give my hands a place to go as I slipped between people standing in the middle of the hallway instead of continuing the flow of traffic. Though, any time I heard a loud noise, I'd flinch and look around anxiously.

Look, I knew changing schools would help me in multiple ways, but new crowds and new voices, even new faces gave me the creeps. Any one of these people could be a sadistic asshole who wants to give you a good stab to the face...or two.

I breathed deep. Come on, Niall, that's ridiculous. Just ignore them and get to the main office.

I sighed in frustration. Anxiety never gave it a break. Who needed anxiety? Phone calls and crowds aren't supposed to be scary, so why make it unnecessarily scary? I pushed my way through the crowd to the main office where I received my schedule, locker number and combination. Luckily, people kind of just moved over when I went through, so I didn't have too much of an issue with anyone.

The woman who handed the paper to me smiled. "I hope you have a great time here at Green Hill High, Niall."

I faked a charming smile and nodded, ducking out of the room as quickly as I could. Which wasn't quick enough.

Green Hill high? What the hell kind of name was that? It sounded like something a random name generator would come up with. I looked down at my paper, looking for my locker number.

I walked along the wall of thousands of lockers, trying to find mine. When I did, the first thing I was greeted with made my blood boil and my shoulders slack in exasperation. How dare I think I could have a normal first day. Who did I think I was?

As I stood there, I was watching a kid get grabbed by the collar and smashed against my locker. My locker. The metal rattled with the force of his weight and he winced as his head hit the metal door.

He whimpered, and looked about ready to cry. He was a cute kid, and looked younger than me, maybe by a grade or so but who knew. He had messy brown hair and pale brown eyes that swam with fear. He was shorter than I was by about two inches, give or take a few, surprisingly.

"What's wrong, f*g!? Am I hurting your precious little arms!?" the guy sneered. Hm, so there's another one of me.

"P-please... l-let me go..." the kid choked out, trying to pull his arms out of the douche's grip.

Suddenly, all my fear and claustrophobia disappeared. All I felt was annoyance and anger. Hot and bubbling, like it'd been waiting to boil over for years (which it had, by the way). I stalked up, standing almost between the two of them silently until the asshole, let's call him 'Jocky-peanut-brains' because fuck you, noticed me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Am I interrupting something here?" I asked sarcastically, faking an apologetic look as I oh-so-discreetly shoved the guy back out of the way of my locker and going for the combo lock.

"Yeah, you are. Get out'a here, you piece of shit," he snarled back, letting go of the kid and advancing on me. "And I'll beat your ass if you go crying to the principal."

That kind of backfired on him. There were tons of people in that exact hallway. I burst out laughing; a cruel, humorless laugh that I always sported while being insulted. Some might say it was a sarcastic laugh.

My Beautiful FairytaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon