[17]: Surprise guest

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Kieran POV:

Once the pizza arrived, Niall looked severely uncomfortable sitting across from Clay. Which I could understand, Clay and I were close enough to be father and son. Niall was probably scared that if he made a wrong move, Clay would break his neck. He wouldn't though, especially not if Niall made me happy.

Mom was overjoyed that I'd found someone I was willing to introduce to my parents. In middle school, I'd dated a few people—well, not really. A few people had asked me out and after a few weeks I'd have to break it off because I'd realized I just never found any of them attractive and couldn't bear stringing them along. Most of the people I'd dated were really kind and understood when I broke it off with them, so I was lucky I'd at least said yes to the right people. Since then I'd kind of just accepted I wasn't attracted to anyone until I found out what demisexual was and realized I had just never had an emotional connection with any of them, which was why Niall was so different to me. I'd established a connection with him, and look at us now.

"So Niall, tell us about yourself, like what're your parents like?" Mom asked, leaning her chin on her palm. We had already finished dinner. 

Niall flinched at the word 'parents' but answered anyway. "My mom is pretty out-going and laid back. You would probably enjoy her, she's super fun, loves Kieran to bits, but she's a single mom but she's doing really well for herself."

"What's she do?" Clay asked, folding his pizza and lifting it to his mouth.

"She's a beauty consultant at that upscale beauty place by the theater in Brooklyn."

"That's wonderful, and what about your father?" Mom asked.

"My father isn't with us anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry. May I ask what happened?" Mom asked, worriedly.

"We used to live in London, and he died in an accident there," Niall said with a sad smile. "I was only six when he died, so I don't remember too much of him, but it's still sad that I didn't have my dad while I grew up."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Clay said.

"I'm sorry, honey," Mom said sincerely. She could relate, as her mother had died when she was a child. Niall grinned thankfully at them. "Kier said that you have siblings, what are they like?"

Just the mention of the two made his eyes brighten significantly. I smiled at his wide grin.

"I have two little siblings, Bailey and Sergio. Bailey is an energetic little girl, and she loves dancing. Sergio is a more secluded kid, but he loves drawing. His sister is always dragging him into things he knows to stay away from, they've been like that since they came to us," he said, beaming that my parents were so curious about his family.

"'When they came to us'?" Clay asked, curiously.

"Oh, after my dad died, Mom had adopted the twins. Their birth mother was 16 when she had them and refused to care for them properly. Authorities arrested her for child abuse, because she beat them every time they whined or cried. Mom saw them and instantly fell in love with them, so she took them in as foster kids and eventually adopted them. I was 10 when we adopted them."

"And they love you dearly," I added, drawing my parents' attention. "The whole time Zay, Cris and I were babysitting them, they would go on and on about how much they loved their brother."

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