0. prologue

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tw: grooming?

( April 18th, 2022. )

Leah sighs, watching her boyfriend, pace back and forth while ranting. She resists the urge to roll her eyes at him, barely even listening to what he's saying.

   "Leah!" He yells, clapping his hands together in front of her face in order to get her attention.

  "Jesus Christ," she glares at him, "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

  Connor scoffs loudly, looking around his apartment in disbelief that she wasn't listening to him. "Why won't you let me meet your dad? It's been a fucking year, Leah!"

  Leah shakes her head at him, having gone through this, a thousand times, "because he doesn't like you! He doesn't even want to meet you, much less have you in his house, which by the way, is completely understandable."

  Standing up, she looks up at him due to their height difference. It should make her scared, how easily he could overpower her, but she honestly didn't care at this point.

   Her and Connor McCaffery had started dating when she was the ripe age of seventeen while he was twenty four. They hadn't ever had sex, the
girl refusing whenever he brought it up. Due to this, she knew that he cheated on her constantly. It didn't actually bother her all that much though.

  "Connor, I can't do this anymore," she emphasizes her words by pointing at him then herself. "I think it's time we breakup."

  He looks taken aback for a second, like the thought of someone breaking up with him was disgusting. "What? You can't just do that."

   She starts to walk away from him, going to the door with a fast pace. "Yes, I can actually."

   "I'll make sure you get kicked out of university," Connor warns, a last ditch effort to get her to stay with him.

   It doesn't work, and all he receives in return is a middle finger. She walks all the way to the elevator, pressing the button to go to the lobby, leaning against the elevator wall.

   Thank God she was never really into men, anyway.

lil bit of backstory of leah😭 yes connor groomed her, and even though she wasn't ever attracted to him (shes a lesbian), she really did try to (comphet was hitting girlie hard).

also, their relationship was extremely private, everyone only knew her first name, thats it.

i hope you enjoyed this!!

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