| part 12 |

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Beetee asks Finnick to assist him, and the rest of us stand guard. He has Finnick secure the wire tightly around a broken branch and lay it on the ground. Then they stand on either side of the tree, passing the spool back and forth as they wrap the wire around and around the trunk.

This is when Beetee reveals the rest of the plan. Since they move most swiftly through the trees, he wants Johanna and Katniss to take the coil down through the jungle, unwinding the wire as they go.

"I want to go with them as a guard" Peeta says immediately. As if we are going to let him and Katniss run off. The piece of bread have been signalling midnight tonight, so shits going to go down.

"You're too slow. Besides, I'll need you on this end. Katniss will guard" Beatee exclaims.
"There's no time to debate this. I'm sorry. If the girls are to get out of there alive, they need to move now." He hands the coil to Johanna.

"How comes Aurora gets to stay with Finnick?"

"If you haven't noticed I'm very much pregnant but fine I'll go with them, if it makes you happy."
If this is how we convince them to stay apart than this is what I need to do.

"We'll just drop the coil and come straight back up. Don't worry. I'll see you at midnight" Katniss's gives him a small kiss to reassure the bread boy.

"I'll be fine" I say to Finnick. He pulls me into a warm embrace.
Please don't let this be our last hug. I have no idea who I'm praying to but this better work. I can't loose him.

"I can't loose you. Stay alive. I love you, both of you." he says moving his hands onto my bump.

"We love you too" I say glancing at my belly before he pulls me into a deep passionate kiss.

"Break it up love birds" Johanna says pulling us apart. Literally.
"Come on" she says tearing me away from the arms of the father of my children and into the jungle of doom.

"What do you hope that little thing is" she says pointing downwards to my stomach.

"That 'thing' is our baby" I say rolling my eyes at her.

"At the moment it looks like an alien" we both laugh. I have to say I'm shocked that Jo knows anything about the development of a baby.

"I think it's a girl" I admit.

"I can show her how to throw an axe" she's says, her eyes beaming with joy.

"You will not be teaching my child how to through an axe" I dismiss the idea straight away.

"Try and stop me" Johanna says with her signature smirk. That means nothing good. There will be no stopping her.

"As sweet as this is you two need to concentrate" Katniss says interrupting our moment. The nerve of this girl, how dare she interrupt us. We were just two friends catching up on life. I guess we do need to concentrate though.

Suddenly, the thin golden wire from above springs down at us, bunching in tangled loops, the severed end snakes up to our feet. It only takes a second to register this rapid turn of events. Johanna and I look at each other, but neither of us has to say it. Someone not far above us has cut the wire. They will be on us at any moment. Johanna quickly grabs the metal cylinder, waking it into Katniss's head. She then jumps onto Katniss's chest pinning the poor girls shoulder with her knees. Next thing I know Johanna has taken one of my knives and cut something out of Katniss's arm. Her tracker. How could I not realise this sooner? This was the plan since the beginning, must be my pregnancy brain.

"Stay down!" she hisses, smearing Katniss's blood on her neck making her appear dead. Please, Katniss, be smart about this and stay down.

We both run further into the jungle, not stopping until we think we've lost Enobaria and Brutus. I lean myself against a tree trying to regain my breathe. Finnick, he better be ok. I'm begging to think I should of stayed with him.

I look over to Johanna as she pushes me down onto the ground

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I look over to Johanna as she pushes me down onto the ground. What the fuck was that for?

"Come on out. Aurora. I know you're here. Your pregnant and weak, you can't seriously think you'll win this" Brutus shouts.

He had a point. I'm still stronger than most people would be pregnant but It was still a disadvantage. It's not exactly easy to move around and fight with a watermelon attached to me. I suddenly, see a shadow move closer to where me and Johanna are.

"Are you ready for this?" she asks. I nod my head in confirmation.

"You're seriously gonna pick on the pregnant women" I smirk at him, securely holding my knife as I come out of hiding. Meanwhile Johanna is sneaking up behind him.

"Pretty bold of you to come out"

"What can I say, I have more balls then you"

Clearly I've pissed him off as he comes running towards me

"You bitc-" he doesn't get to finnish his sentence before Johnna's axe embeds itself into his skull.

"Look at that, he's speechless" I laugh. Don't judge me. I know my minds fucked up. Winning murder games at 12 tends to do that.

Enobaria jumps in front of me taking a swing at my face. "That's for Brutus"

"You busted my lip, you bitch" I say before jamming my knife into her side and pushing her off of me. I watch as she whimpers on the floor as blood drains from her wounds.

"You good?" Jo asks me

"Oh I'm fantastic, I just love being in these games" I say, slightly breathless.

I look up seeing what looks like an arrow shooting into the force field surrounding the arena. A blue flash of lightning erupts from the clouds striking the force field. All of a sudden I get this pain in my head as I come crashing to the ground.

"SHIT! Aurora" Jo screams as the world around me turns to darkness.

1043 words

Sunshine | Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now