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"Would you like my pudding, Tine?" Deena asked and it was accompanied by the teasing of our friends and colleagues.

We are currently having lunch at the pantry of our office.

I can say that I am already used to the teasing and incitement of our friends.

 Ever since  Deena joined my company six months ago as the Creative Director, she immediately showed affection or rather an interest in me in front of our friends and colleagues.

Well, actually, we go way back. 

We were college friends. And ever since college, I know that Deena has feelings for me. Not just by telling me how beautiful I am, or giving me food, or taking me to university but she was very vocal about it.

At first, I thought I would be embarrassed every time we were together, well, I was but I got used to it. We never even had any awkward moments, we stayed friends even with all her innuendos.

Deena is strikingly beautiful, she has grey eyes, a blend of silver and mist. A medium blonde hair that is naturally wavy, an hourglass body, a femme allure charisma. I mean, she was perfect.

The thing is, I'm straight, never into girls.

Never in my entire life, had I had an interest with the same gender. I never see myself with another girl or even have a girl crush. Ohh, maybe if she was Jennifer Aniston then I have to rethink some stuff.

When I started entertaining boys during college, I even thought Deena would stay back and wouldn't talk to me but it was actually the opposite.

She would still come to visit me in my dorm and bring me my favorite flower, a tulip. Hand me coffees every morning and a whole lot of stuff done by someone who was pursuing another.

I even told her to stop because like I said, I am not into girls and will never be. But that didn't stop her, and so we became very close, I could actually call her my best friend. She was always there for me, my every heartache, my issues with my siblings, and work-related stuff.

So when there was a hiring in my company, I referred her to my Boss and even vouched for her.

"Do you want to or I'll give them to Thea?" I was pulled from my deep thoughts hearing Deena speak again.

"Give it."Thea snatched the little bowl from Deena's hand.

I just laughed at her and shook my head.

Thea is the next best thing that I could call my Sister, we tease each other a lot, give bits of advice, and give me a pat on the head if I do something stupid but would tolerate me if I need it. And she knows about Deena.

Lunch was over and one by one, they started to go back to their offices and cubicles while I was left alone with Deena.

"How's the proposal going?" 

"You know I just received the creatives from your team, right?" I told her sarcastically.

"But you, Marketing people were very fast, right? If my recollection serves me, when our Boss introduced me to your team, he was appraising all of you and quoting 'They work fast, your team needs to be two steps ahead'  his words, not mine."

We both let out a soft laugh remembering her first day.

I gathered my food container and joined her in the sink and washed mine.

"We just need a few days to finish it, Ma'am." I joked.

"Ow-kay! Just so you know, the sales department has been bugging me about it, they thought my team hasn't sent the creatives to your team yet."

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