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Tine's P.O.V.

The weekends fly very fast.

As I parked my car, I noticed Dee's car was already there. She's early.

I don't know if we are both avoiding each other as I did not hear anything from her during the weekend.

Saturday morning, even before I woke up, she received a call from her Mom asking her to pick her Aunt up from the airport so she left in a hurry and we didn't have the chance to talk.

Now, thinking of seeing her today makes me feel so nervous.

I kissed her that night, I know and I remember it. Why I did it, I have no idea. How will I face her, I have no idea.

All I know is, I am feeling nervous.

As I walk out of the elevator and see my team and Dee's, the pounding in my chest is becoming louder and louder.

I was even startled when Thea tapped me on my shoulder.

"Bad morning?" She said.

"Uhm. no. I was just... Uhm. I was thinking of something and didn't hear you."

"Ow-kay! Dee was looking for you, but I think, kill some time in your office before you march into hers, Sabrina Hughes is in her office." Thea winked before she disappeared.

Really? This early? I really wonder if that girl is working. She should be Deena's assistant, not a finance director if she just came here to spend time with her.

The nervousness I felt is now gone, I'm now infuriated.

I ignored what Thea said and I marched into Dee's office directly. I didn't even knock and just opened the door.

"Tine!" Dee was obviously startled and suddenly took her hand from Sabrina.

They were holding hands!

As if I'm not infuriated enough, that view just fueled the anger I was already feeling before I even saw them.

And looking at Sabrina's cunning eyes and that signature smirk she does whenever she's looking at me, makes my blood boil.

"Thea said you were looking for me? But I guess you're busy." God knows how I tried to keep a straight face. "Just come to my office once you're done... with whatever you're doing." I purposely made that pause to stress Dee and walked out of there.

I threw my bag on my couch as soon as I was inside my office. I am so furious, especially when I saw that she was holding Sabrina's hand, all I could think of was pulling her hair and dragging her out of Dee's office.

"That fucking slut!"

I paced back and forth inside my office, trying to calm myself. I even drank the water prepared on my table. I shook my hands repeatedly before I sat on my swivel chair and opened my laptop.

I don't want to think that Dee has not followed me until now, because if I did, I would've thrown my computer in the wall.

Why are you feeling this way, though? A thought in my mind crawled its way to the surface.

I was dazed and confused.

Why though?

Because I hate Sabrina, that's why!

Soon enough, I heard a soft knock on my door. I fixed myself fast and pretended I was busy typing on my laptop, which was by the way still off.

I just hope Dee won't come behind me or else she'll see it.

"Can I come in?" Her head was peeking through my door.

"Are you done flirting with her?" I closed my laptop, put my arms against my chest, and leaned my back on my chair while staring at her intently.

I didn't mean to intimidate her, but knowing Dee, her tail is probably between her legs now.

"You're upset again."

"Let yourself in, Dee. Do you want the whole team to hear us?" I scolded her.

She hurriedly closed the door.

"Thea said you were looking for me?" Looking at Dee biting her lip brought me back to the night when I kissed her.

What if she was looking for me to confront me about it?

Damn, what am I gonna tell her?

"Ohh, uhm yeah. Mr. Riva wants to see us both, I think for the new project he mentioned last week. And... I was not flirting with Sab, just for the record, her cousin died so I was just trying to comfort her."

Dee sat on the couch in front of me while I squinted my eyes at her trying to see if she was lying to me or not.

"I swear!" She continued. "By the way, how are you? I mean, did you have a hangover? Do you remember what happened Friday night?"

"What do you mean?" Maybe it's best to pretend that I don't remember. Even if it was the only thing that occupied me the whole weekend.

Why I kissed her. How it felt, and I told her I love her.

Thinking of the latter, I was reasoning to myself that yes I love her, and telling her that doesn't mean it was in a romantic way. I love her because she is my best friend.

Why I kissed her? Because... Well, I blame the alcohol... and her lips, it looks so... kissable at the time and the alcohol pushes me to do it. Yes, that was it.

But the feeling I felt when my lips touched hers, I would never forget it.

It felt so right.

Like, I should have done it a long time ago and regretted the time lost because I didn't.

It was just a kiss but it was enough to take me back to the time I met her, our college days, our friendly dates, stuff I did with her.

And when she thought I was asleep and said how much she loved me, I felt it in my heart, her voice full of sincerity and that kiss on my forehead, god knows how I fought so hard not to open my eyes and kiss her again.

During weekends, I was questioning god about what was happening to me, thinking of Deena and that moment with her, I even thought Deena put a spell on that wine that's why I did what I did.

I know it wasn't me. I don't feel this about Deena, I don't think about Deena like this.

It's the wine, I'm never drinking again!

"You don't remember?" Sadness crossed Dee's beautiful face as well as a hint of it in her voice.

"You mean when I had two glasses of wine? I remember that, then I felt dizzy, I guess? I don't remember finishing the movie, did we finish it?" I felt guilty lying to her but I can't admit it, I'm not ready for confrontation.

Besides, it's probably nothing and I know it won't happen again.

"Ohh, uhm, yeah, yeah, we didn't, we didn't finish it cause you fell asleep." Her eyes averted, I could feel her disappointment and I had to stop myself from going to her.

"Anyway, the meeting is in 30 minutes, Mr. Riva's office." Deena stood up and walked toward the door.

I want to stop her, I want to run after her but I think it's for the best.

Deena left my office and all I could do was stare at the door where she left.


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