16 | Jade

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No woman has ever occupied my head the way she does. But again, no woman except my mother has ever slapped me before.

Did I deserve this?


Am I angry at her for slapping me?


It was only at that moment when she became violent that I knew I had crossed a boundary. But before that, all I could see was red.

Yesterday was already a very awful day for me. After Aurora asked me about my relationship with Christian, I lost control. Everything that has happened and everything that he has done-all the memories came rushing into my brain after that moment. Yes, I wanted to be alone after that, and I know that Aurora was only trying to help me, but my emotions weren't at their best at that time.

I know her apology was real, and everything else she had said yesterday was real, but when that frame broke, it was as if someone was trying to snatch the person in that photo away from me again.

That was the moment I lost it. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was saying. I just wanted her to go away and leave me alone, but her stubbornness was getting on my nerves. And that's when I reacted to my emotions and not to logic.

Sometimes our emotions are so powerful that the logical part of the brain becomes dead at that point, and we do and say whatever feels right at that moment.

And now, after turning and twisting in my bed all night and replaying yesterday's events in my head again and again, all I could think was about Aurora and the way she sobbed while leaving.

It shattered my heart to see her like that. I wanted to kiss her tears and take them away. I wanted to hug her and tell her why I am this way, but I was only responsible for making her cry.

I wanted to call her, but I knew that after messing up so badly, a call would not do anything better. I need to make it up for her in person.

"Jade?" Adrian broke the chain of my thoughts as he called me from outside my room. "Come downstairs; Miss Monroe is waiting."

That left me surprised. Why was she here again after everything that happened yesterday? Is she here to tell me that she is going for good?

What are you up to, little lamb?


"Stop yelling, Adrian. I heard you." I said that and got up from my bed. "I'll be there in a few minutes." After that, I went to take a shower.

When I came downstairs, my brothers were already gone for work. I could see Melanie sitting in the living room. She glanced up and saw me coming, unbuttoning her top as she revealed her cleavage and sitting straight, passing me a grin. I rolled my eyes. I know what she is trying to do.

"Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?" A sly smirk appeared on her face, and it made me disgusted.

"Where's Aurora?" Her smirk disappeared.

"She's in your brother's study room. But you and I are alone-"

"You can leave."

"Excuse me?" Her brows shot up.

"Let me rephrase that." I looked at her and then nodded towards the exit door of my apartment. "You are fired. Get out before I call the security." I glared at her. She scoffed, took her handbag, and left, slamming the door hard and purposefully.

I didn't care. She would make Aurora uncomfortable, and anything that would make her uncomfortable needs to be gone.

After she left, I went to the study room where Aurora was. As I knocked on the door, I didn't get any response. So, I slightly opened the door and peered inside, and there I found her sleeping on the sofa chair. As I made my way inside slowly, I heard her soft snores while her lips were slightly parted and her head was hanging backwards.

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