53 | Aurora

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"If you need to talk again, you have my card, and you can contact me at my number. Have a great day, sir."

I forced a forced smile on my face as I said goodbye to the final visitor of the day. He spent about two hours discussing how his relationship with his parents was getting too toxic for him, how his father would beat him and his mother after he would return home drunk, and how his mother would always place the blame on him in an attempt to avoid facing reality. He wanted to give up on everything and go away from them because it was becoming too much for him to bear.

Sometimes, the parents who are meant to shield and encourage, end up being the reason person fails in life. Although it is really difficult to believe, there are family relationships where the parents are terrible, and the individuals who are affected can only do their best to express how they feel.

I let out a deep breath as the person leaves my cabin and shuts the door behind him, and I rotate my neck and stretch my limbs to relieve the tension and fatigue in my muscles. My body and mind were yelling at me to simply go home and sleep like a person who is unconscious, even though it was only late afternoon.

It wasn't just the stress of work that was punched in my face after I came back, but also the continuous thoughts of the events that were coming for me in the future and the absence of Jade, as I was still hoping that he would be here with me when those events happened.

Tomorrow was Liam's hearing, and I still couldn't deal with having to spend a certain amount of time in the same room as him. Even though I knew there would be a large number of people there throughout the hearing, the idea of him being so close to me—even if we would be seated far apart—already gave me the chills. I wonder what my reaction will be the following time I see him.

But moreover, I was disheartened with the way Jade just chose to ignore me, as if I didn't exist for him anymore.

'I belong to you, Aurora, and no one will ever have my heart ever again, because wherever you'll go, you'll take it only with you.'


My teeth gritted as I glared at nothing in front of me while remembering Jade's words. If he really meant what he said, where is he now?

"You look scary right now; do you know that?" Rachel enters my cabin with a teasing smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes. "I am just fed up with everything."

"More like from someone." She pointed at me with her index finger, indicating the obvious.

"Whatever." I muttered while she snorted a stifled laugh, earning a glare from me. "I am heading home. Make as much fun as you want."

She laughed properly this time. "Okay, okay. I am sorry." He held my arm before I could go outside. "And you are not going anywhere; you have one more visit."

I looked at her before my brows furrowed. "But the appointments for today are already over."

"I said it's a visit, not an appointment." She stated.

I sighed. "If this is some kind of prank again, I am really not in the mood, Rach."

"Oh, tell me about it." She removed her hand from my arm. "Just sit and wait; you'll be in the mood sooner than you think." She added it with a mischievous glint in her eyes before leaving the cabin.

My inner turmoil only grew bigger as I tried to understand Rachel's words, and before I could react or say anything further, my door knocked three times.

Shaking my head slowly, I made my way to my desk again and started to turn on my iPad to attend to whoever this client was.

"Come in." I answered politely without looking at the door.

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