Chapter Sixteen

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The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm glow as Miles steps out onto the weathered wooden deck of the wharf. The water shimmers gold and orange, tranquil waves gently lapping against the shore. He walks to the edge of the deck and sits down, feet dangling over the side. 

His eyes catch the sight of a small fishing boat making its way into the harbor, navigating between the colorful buoys that dot the water. Behind it slope the multicolored roofs and chimneys that make their small town of Mahone Bay more vibrant on their own. 

Eyes fixed on the lazily rolling waves, his thoughts begin to wander, losing track of time and place. The ship's horn in the distance goes unheard by him. 

Something just doesn't feel right. It's like until two days ago, everything was fine but today it's not. He doesn't understand what happened or how, only this hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach and the weight dragging him down.

Or maybe he does have a vague idea of what's going on in his mind. A realization that's been slowly settling in, swiftly making its way into his heart hoping to be released somehow. Even though he wishes it was the other way around and that he never felt all these unknown emotions.

He's snapped out of his thoughts as a salty breeze hits his face, carrying the sounds of seagulls that he finds soaring high in the air on the opposite shore. 

Miles takes out his phone to see the time is half past five and something stirs within him. Just a few days ago, he was in a whole other world at this hour of the day and as if in the blink of an eye, that world has crumbled. Like it was never there in the first place, making him feel like he's just been caught up in an illusion all this time. And the colors were so bright in that magic realm that he almost thought it'd never end.

What even gave him that idea? It all seems so foolish now.

As the sky gradually shifts from pale orange to golden, small lights begin to dot the windows of the houses. He pushes himself up, glancing across the harbor now shrouded in dim shadows as the last rays of the sun begin to fade.

Distracted, he puts his hands into his jacket and starts walking home.


"I can't believe you." Reid shakes his head in disbelief. He observes Miles carefully who's walking next to him, gaze lowered to the ground and his mind seems to be elsewhere.

"She left and you let her go? Just like that?"

"What else would I do? She was supposed to leave sooner or later." Miles' clipped reply only frustrates Reid further.

"Wow." He laughs, "That's like the truest truth ever. Why didn't I think of that before?"

Miles keeps walking in silence. The windy weather penetrates through the thick fabric of his jacket, making him feel cold.

"If her leaving was such a normal thing, then why do you look like that?"

He frowns, glancing up at Reid.

"Like what?"

"Like you just lost one of your kidneys somewhere on the streets."

Miles gives him a disapproving look before turning away.

"Loser! You're so going to regret this I swear. Juliet definitely had feelings for you, I saw it in her eyes and you just pushed her away. You dumb, ugly piece of bitter melon."

He quickly looks back at Reid, something shining in his eyes.

"How are you so sure about that?"

Reid huffs in anguish, losing faith in the belief that Miles will ever come around.

"Because unlike you, Miles, I look at people's faces. I make eye contact with them and I try to understand their emotions. Simply, you can say I'm a human being who tries to connect with members of his own species." Then he fakes a big smile and promptly swirls on his feet, "Surprise! You never knew about this, did you?"

Miles breathes out heavily and resumes walking, faster than before.

"Slow the hell down, Cheetah!" He snaps, struggling to put up with his pace. It works. Miles' steps falter to a steady motion again.

"For once, I had hope for you and you crushed it mercilessly. But honestly speaking, I feel bad for Juliet. She's probably heartbroken."

Reid's words awaken something inside him. He starts feeling more restless and exasperated as if he wasn't enough already. For the first time, a dart of remorse pierces his heart.

What if Reid is right? What if he indeed broke her heart unknowingly? The mere thought of hurting her induces him to ball his fists.


His eyes remain glued to the stairs as a storm begins to erupt in his heart. The bricks that he put there himself appear as if they're mocking him now. The one he made that alteration for is gone now.

Nobody would stumble there anymore.

That clumsy girl he loved to poke fun at will never be back again.

Miles hurries inside and throws himself on the couch. Letting his head fall back on the headboard, he closes his eyes. He feels exhausted. The memories suddenly feel so overwhelming and it's draining him.

Didn't he know this day would come?

Then why did he fall from the sky that day when Juliet announced her leaving?

What made him think… she would be there forever?

That hug... He didn't want to let go. Of her. Of that moment. It was surreal and he never felt this kind of longing for anyone. He was shocked by his own behavior.

It's scary. He somehow knows in his heart that slowly, he's letting himself fall deeper into an obscure pit, one that will consume him like a black hole and there will be no way out of it once he's in.

The worst thing is he doesn't even know how to put a stop to this.

The worst thing is he doesn't even know how to put a stop to this

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Oof finally! 20k words done 😤

If you were wondering why I was updating at the speed of lightning, it's because I want to enter this book into this year's watty award and one of the requirements was publishing 20k words before submitting.

Now that the word count is achieved, I'll let you guys take a breather. I know some regular readers who haven't been able to catch up with the fast updates. Y'all can take it slow now. I, myself am exhausted honestly. I'm sorry if I overwhelmed you guys with the updates lmao

The next chapter will be out in a few days, inshallah.

Thank you for sticking with me. Take love ❤️

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