Chapter Nineteen

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"I long for you like how
a winter rose, concealed in a frosty glow,
looks up to the sky for a ray of sunshine,
knowing it won't be long
until the awaiting is scorned, and the epilogue is done.
Yet she holds onto her love
to prove destiny wrong.
Blind affection wins when
the brain shuts off."

The diary with her new poem remains open, but Juliet looks not in the moment, her eyes sweeping over the slightly messy handwriting in an absent way.

Since yesterday, she's not been able to sit in peace for one second, to be precise. Her mind is too lost to think straight, her heart's a literal train wreck.

The meet up with Miles is to blame. It's shaken up her world. It's like she had a vague idea of how life would be without him and even though it wasn't something pleasant, at least her suffering was familiar and it was following her expectations. But now, she has to rebuild herself again. Because what Miles said the day before, the words broke her apart on one hand and mended her soul on the other. And she's feeling so many emotions at once - confusion, uncertainty, delight, and indecision.

Hopes were gone but Miles gave her something to hold onto again. It was supposed to be the end but he showed her otherwise, that the end might be leading them to new beginnings and she wishes nothing more than for it to be true.

Coming back to her senses, Juliet closes the diary and puts it into the safety of the nightstand drawer. This diary contains all her poems that were written for Miles and understandably it's dear to her. She won't trade this for the whole world.


"Take a look," Miles says, handing the phone to Reid.

"What is this?"

As Reid reads the letter, his eyes widen and he can't help but gasp.

"Don't tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking," he cries out, looking at Miles desperately. Miles remains silent, only proving his speculation true.

"Uncle Wallace will cut you into one hundred and one pieces along with me. I'll tell him I never knew about this and I wasn't involved. Honestly though, who's Juliet?" He asks and taps his chin with his index finger. "Are we talking about the Shakespearean Juliet or something?"

Miles rolls his eyes at his dramatic friend. "Nope. It's the Juliet who's your mother."

"No, Miles, but why would you bring out your admission offer from UW now? It's been all set and clear that we're heading to Toronto in a while and your dad wants you to study in that college. He will truly become mad if he knows what you've been thinking."

"If I'm falling into the pit after all, I want to fall hard and fast. And in no way do I intend on doing the long distance thing," Miles replies as a matter of fact.

"That's nice, but it says the deadline to accept their offer was a few days ago. Will they consider you now?"

He gives Reid a look shrouded in doubt. "I contacted the admission board and requested them to reconsider me and they informed me about their late acceptance scheme. I have to visit them in person and discuss it in detail."

"You sure you'd be able to enroll there though?"

Miles looks confused as he responds truthfully, "There's no surety yet but they will definitely consider seeing that I have high grades and I left no effort unused in my persuasion. Let's just hope for the positive."

"What about your dad? How are you going to manage him?"

"I will find a way."

Reid nods, still looking unsure. "Did you tell Juliet?"

"No. I'm not sure yet whether I will get the chance or not. She will be heartbroken if I let her know then things don't go as planned."

"I hope it all works out for you and when everyone knows about it, you still remain in one piece. I won't be there but I will pray for you from afar," he pats Miles in the back with a serious face and Miles scoffs before muttering, "Backstabber..."

At night, Miles checks the time on the wall clock as he lies down in bed. The earlier conversation with Reid resurfaces in his mind and he finds himself getting anxious. He's convinced his dad will strongly disapprove of what he's decided. Moreover, if Wallace knows it's all because of a girl, things will only worsen. That's why Miles has thought he'd show some other reason and try to negotiate Wallace's acceptance. Not that it will be easy, he knows it won't, but everything for Juliet. Staying close to her is worth the risk.

Sleep starts to consume him and even in that half asleep state, he feels the excitement in his bones. A unique kind of anticipation to wake up the next day. Because Juliet is supposed to meet him again and that's all it took for him to get into a better mood. She's just like that. A source of sunshine he doesn't know how he was surviving without all this time. Now that he's found her once, he will do whatever it takes but never let her go.

 Now that he's found her once, he will do whatever it takes but never let her go

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Tomorrow is my English exam. Sike I hate school and exam and tuitions and studies in general 😮‍💨

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