A talk

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these past days have been stressful as one mattheo still hasn't spoke to me and two its exam week and my potions exam is not finished and everyone knows the rest of my friend group wont help me at all, they just make me do the work witch definitely doesn't help this situation what so ever.

i have mostly spent my time in the common room working on it with very limited ingredients and no help but i am getting somewhere and we should get it finished by our last practical potions class.

- y/n pov - 

Today was the last day i took to work on the potion before our last class and it was going well so far i had no interruptions or distractions the whole time near enough  , well that never lasted long as my friend group walked in and then sitting down right across from me on the other couch.

Not one of them said a word to me the all just stared at me.

"what" i said clearly annoyed witch i hoped they could tell ,  i just looked at them with a raised eyebrow and a confused looked smeared on my face , that's when pansy stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me to the kitchen that no one ever uses since well we don't need to we all eat at the grate hall.

" what are you all doing" i say upset at the fact i couldn't finish the potion i had worked so hard on unlike there lazy arses.

" we got you something" Enzo said as mattheo brings  out a brown box from  behind his back and pansy magics out some sort ingredients onto the counter as i just stand  there confused.

" we are going to bake like we used to , you deserve a bit of fun considering the fact you are littrely saving our asses from failing potions " pansy said with a bright smile , i was honestly shocked they are one of the best people ever but i was still a little annoyed at them but this made up for it big time.

" i am very mad at you guys "  i paused " but this is so kind and i love to bake so i will let you guys off " i say giving them a group hug and a warm and soft smile , " if we are being honest it was mattheos idea " Draco said , my heart almost grew 3 times its size and i felt warm and fuzzy it was a weird but it was an amazing feeling.

i turn to mattheo who is just smiling at me god i love this mans smile " thank u " i say giving a nice warm smile to him " don't mention it " he said picking up the cake box and saying "well what are we waiting for " " who hoo " pansy said making me laugh.

"ok so we need flower and quite a lot too so get that Draco and pansy you get the oil mattheo pre heat the oven to 180 and you two just stand there and pretend to do something " ok bossy boots" Draco said picking up flower and throwing it right into my hair " oh your on i say grabbing a hand full and chucking it into his fake blond hair that he says is natural.

this ofcorse turned into a whole ass food fight between everyone it was honestly one of the funest things i have ever done in my life we all were laughing getting along and making  a cake what more could i ask for.

once we had made our cake and destroyed the kitchen that was soon cleaned up by Draco the one who stared the food fights in the first place , we all sat on the comfy couches in the the common room were i noticed Draco and pansy being very close with each other and i was very happy for her but i couldn't help but be jealous looking over at mattheo who was sitting in a cuddle chair alone.

i could feel myself staring at him our kiss replaying in my head over and over again i dreamed of it happing again  the butterflies it gave me  just every thing about it ,i really liked mattheo and i would die to feel like that again ,as i did this i heard a voice that i was positive was mattheos but no words were coming out of his mouth so i never thought much of it just that maybe i was crazy .   

 Once we had finished our cake  we all  started getting up to go to our dorms  and that's when i noticed mattheo fast asleep so decided to stay not only so if he were to wake up we would be alone and could at least talk we could talk and because i still hadn't finished our potions work but mostly for mattheo. 

As soon as everyone left mattheos eyes shot open. " hello" he said sitting up fixing his hair " um hi " i say processing what the hell just happened " what " he said " i- i thought you were asleep, i got a fright " i say clearly lying " look " i went on " i want to talk about our little kiss, if it was a dare or something like that just tell me i wont be mad i just want to know" i watch mattheo as he just sits there staring at me  almost flirty ish.

" a dare " he asks sitting up walking towards me " why would someone dare me to kiss you " he says leaning over me i could feel myself getting flustered and hot shivers leaving my back as i take in his strong cologne as well as his huge body  hanging over me.

" i- i don't know i just assumed that seeing as you never bothered to even look at me these past few days " i say acting more tougher than i actually am " oh just shut up" he says lifting me into yet another kiss that  was 100 times better than the rest his big hand travelled my back until he let go saying " you day dream a lot , i hate being able to read minds " he says to him self walking away " WAIT WHAT !! " 

A/n : a little cute but with a plot twist chapter ig :) 

hope you like it <3

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