Deja vu

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Y/n pov : i sit on the floor staring blankly at my wall as mattheos songs plays in my ears. I don't know why but this feeling is not like befor I feel like I have no one when mattheo isnt here I'm  supposed to hate him dispise him even, not love him, "god what am I  doing " I wishper 

Just then the door is swung open and I jump up hiding the drawings scatterd across my bed.

"Y/N! " pansy screams , " what ! " snip back ripping the headphones from each ear , her face softens " are you ok ? " , " no pansy I'm not what is he doing and omg  that fucking witch to go along with it" 

She smile and opens her arms. I don't hesitate to hug her back it feels nice not to be an outcast to at least someone. " you need to talk to him y/n it won't get easier if you don't,  you know that right? " 

" yeh I know. Why would he do that tho I can't get over it " I say , " you will forgive each other by the looks of it " pansy says , I look confused until I click looking at the drawings and the little tape labeld mattheis playlist , happy birthday darling x , I smile " yeh I hope " 

She smiles " i will let you rest if you need me I will be in the common room " . I smile as she leaves. I  turn around looking at the drawings and the writing on the tape witch some how I never noticed,  I run my finger  along the  writing thinking about how sweet he can be or atleast most of the time anyway.

I began putting away the drawings before anyone else sees them but ofcorce slipping my headphones back into my ears. 

I lie down in my bed looking up at the ceiling wondering if i should talk to him or not ,  I jump up " fuck it " I say befor getting up fixing my hair and makeup  then walking out of my dorm and to the common room.

I run out of my dorm and run down stairs when I bump into someone and almost fall but iam caught.

Mattheos pov :

I feel horrible watching y/n walk out of class , I know I fucked up kissing her then her enemy and I don't know what I was thinking I love her and I never got to tell her because I'm  fucking stupid.

As pansy and astoria walk out I follow them. I am so mad at myself for everything  and i cant bare  y/n begin sad and upset. 

As I walk through the halls I look for y/n but there's no sign of her or astroia , I don't mind not seeing astoria but y/n I can't deal with  it , it makes me nervous and I feel like I can't sit still it's crazy I only get like this when I am high and I am definitely not high.i hope.

I enter the common room and see draco , theo and pansy sitting like store dugs  on the sofa looking at me like I am a dirty piece of rubbish " where is y/n ?" I stare , " I don't think she want to talk to you " draco replies , " that wasn't my question  so I will ask again where is y/n " I say , " that's not your business mattheo " pansy interrupts , "fine I will find her myself " I say pulling out a cigarette and lighting it as I walk to the girls dorms.

As I walk into the hallway something or should I say someone smacks into me almost falling to there feet.

"Omg I am so so-" , " it's fine darling " She looks up and I look down our eyes locked..... y/n.

IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTINGGGGG ,  I don't have my laptop so I have to do over my phone and I hardly have time but anyway if your lucking a part will be out tomorrow MAYBE just maybe. btw if there some mistakes I am so sorry I cba reading it over ahah xx

my only love / Mattheo riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now