Chapter 1

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Winter's POV:

As I was sitting in the chair on in my office, scrolling aimlessly through social media Jax, my secretary bursts in so suddenly that it took me aback  for a second. He was holding some papers which I assumed at first glance are the new designs from the new division which focusing on the new fashion trend of the year.

"Ms Winter Carmicheal"

"Calling me by my full name now are we, Jax? What happened to calling me Winter?"

"Well I can still call Winter, but that would sound a little disrespectful if the newbies were to hear me all the time"

"What  difference would it make anyway, so what are you holding?"

"Oh, these are the designs the first division wants you to check out"

Jax my childhood friend and personal assistant, we went to the same schools, and university. After I inherited the company he decided to become my secretary and personal assistant, people would assume it was out of pity but it was quite the opposite, he had demanded for the position saying 'no one would handle me if given the position'. I had no choice but to accept, I took a look at the designs and gave him my feedback.

"Since I no longer have any meetings today shift tomorrow's meeting to today after lunch, thanks" In case you haven't guessed, yes I'm slightly a workaholic and I like draining myself when I'm stressed.

"Uh.. I think the fuck not, its staying where it is"

"And why's that?"

"You need to rest, take a breather, on weekends you work as if it the end of the world- and don't even get me started on holidays and worse when its a public holiday. Quick question when was the last you said you were actually relaxing just chilling and going to some bar or something?"

Ugh the last thing that I need from Jax is him nagging me about my beauty rest, like don't get me wrong I love him and his caring self but sometimes he can be a pain in the ass. He almost acts like how my parents act when they ask me about my love life and when to expect grandkids in which to my defense I might like to have flings here and there but they will forever remain flings and I've never been in a relationship since university.

"Yes, when its necessary"

"Oh really? "When have you ever and I mean literally ever called in for work saying you're sick or you want to work from home and also have you eaten anything sine morning up to now?"

"Sleep is enough rest as it is and yes I haven't eaten anything yet" I answer him in an irritated voice getting tired of his nagging I really want to get this over with conversation.

"That very typical of you, now get out of that seat, grab your stuff and go out to a bar or something who knows maybe you'll meet someone who'll pique your interests" he says with a wink to top it off, I just sighed knowing if I refuse I'm not going to hear the end of it so I just complied with it

"Ugh, fine I'll go but only because I'm hungry and I need a drink"

I leave work and head to the nearest bar I really like because it not a crowded place and one can really enjoy their drink without being hit on or being asked for an angel's shot. Upon arrival, there are a few people just how I like it, I make my way to the bartender and order a Negroni with a charcuterie board since I was starving. As I waited for my food while enjoying my drink my eyes stumbled upon a gorgeous woman, perfect body, platinum blonde hair that really suited her icy blue eyes and her face features I noticed she had a small mole just below her lip and those lips, goddamn they looked so soft, plump and very much kissable right now, oh how I wish I could kiss them. Her red dress she was wearing was a little bit higher and it fit her body which revealed her curves and that ass and slight view of her midriff.   

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