Chapter 14

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The storm's here...

Alex's POV

I opened the door and saw Camille looking not so subtle about spy Winter and I outside kissing each other goodnight. She acted like she was coming from the kitchen but I know a suspicious bitch when I look at one.

"You seem breathless over there sis for someone who plays basketball, what were you doing?" I asked her with a suspicious look and a raised brow to emphasize my question.

"Well hello to you too sis and I was doing nothing much just peeking through the window and saw you and Winter kiss each other goodnight" I gave her a disappointed look

"c'est un peu effrayant, qu'est-ce qui t'est arrivé à toi et à ta copine pour que tu nous traques mon amant et moi à travers la fenêtre ? Trouble au paradis?" (that's a bit creepy what happened to you and your girlfriend that got you stalking my lover and I through the window? Trouble in paradise?)

"oh s'il te plait, juste parce que je vous ai traqués seulement ce soir, ça ne veut pas dire que j'ai des problèmes au paradis avec ma petite amie" (oh please just cause I stalked you guys only tonight that don't mean I'm having trouble in paradise with my girlfriend) I think I forgot to mention that Camille is intersex, I know I kinda lied to Winter telling her that she was the only one I had first seen but in my defence Camille hadn't pooped up in my mind at that time, so she has this androgynous look she's got on her which suits her perfectly.

"Je veux dire, si vous aviez des problèmes au paradis, cela ne contiendrait pas l'acte dans les draps parce que vous l'avez couvert avec votre petit homme en bas." (I mean if you guys had trouble in paradise it wouldn't be containing the deed in the sheets coz you got that covered with your little man downstairs) I cringed at the thought of my little sister fucking her girlfriend ugh and to put it worse no one in our likes her for couple reasons and she knows it.

"Yeah.. no I'm not going to discuss my sex life with you sis ewww!"

"Thank God coz me neither the thought of it makes me feel the ick" she lightly punched my arm as she laughed 

"So.... now that Winter is in your life what are you going to do with that thot Anabel?"

"What about her?"

"Oh Alex don't play dumb with me I know she came to see you recently" 

"Jason told you didn't he? I swear to God I'm gonna kill him myself" I say in exasperated sigh

"Duh you ask the obvious well? I definitely know that slut came to ask you to take her back and obviously to take her as your date at the gala that you ended up going alone but this is all an assumption unless I'm right of course?" Yea I forgot to mention she's a lot smarter than Louis and I, and when I say a lot I mean a lot

" Well since you assumed correctly, I'm going to ignore her definitely and if she tries anything well I'm gonna kick her ass thats for sure I didn't taekwondo and get black belt for nothing." I say this as I make my way to the kitchen and grab two glasses of wine and a bottle. I set the glasses down the coffee tables as I open the bottle.

"Sis you know I don't drink-" I couldn't help but laugh very loudly at her comment

" Yea and I want my ex back" there was moment of silence between us and I mumbled a 'that's what I thought' as I poured the wine in both our glasses. Before I sat down I went to where I kept my stash of edibles and weed, yeah I smoke only as a form of escapism and I only do it with Camille, Louis and Jason only. You guys find it shocking right? well the world isn't the only thing full of surprises. I sauntered back to the lounge and placed the edibles and as well as some rolled joints on the coffee table, Camille just looked at me in shock like its her first time smocking with me.

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