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Suguru Geto spoke to you as if ten years hadn't passed since he abandoned you to become one of the most dangerous criminals in history.

He had changed a lot since the last time you saw him. Instead of his signature bun, he wore his dark, long, and shiny hair cascading in soft waves down his back, and he had traded his school uniform for a Buddhist monk's robe.

There was something about his presence that made your heart pound, and a mix of emotions took hold of you. Nostalgia for the memories of your shared past, rage for his betrayal, and uncertainty about his return after so long.

And yet, you couldn't deny the excitement his presence stirred in you, as if something inside longed for his closeness and protection.

That was exactly what infuriated you. Suguru Geto was a traitor.

Although your arrow still pointed in his direction, he hadn't moved an inch. In fact, his aura was warm and welcoming, and it seemed like he would extend his arms to embrace you at any moment.

"What are you doing here," you hissed furiously.

"I wanted to talk to you," he explained with a shrug.

You wished you could be even half as calm as he appeared.

You tightened your fingers around the bowstring and slightly adjusted the arrow's direction to a vital point on his body. He just tilted his head, looking somewhat disappointed.

"Do you really need to do this?" he said with a pout. "You tried it last time, and we both know how that ended."

You knew he was referring to the last time you saw him when Gojo and you confronted him in the middle of the street, unable to inflict any harm. Geto must have known you wouldn't be able to attack him, which is why he had the audacity to appear this way in front of you. As if to reaffirm this, he took a step in your direction.

"Get away from me, you bastard!" you shouted, raising the bow to aim at his head.

Geto smiled, took another step, and you fired.

The arrow shot quickly towards his face, but he was faster. With a single hand, he caught the projectile in midair without his smile fading.

"Okay, you've tried," he said with his smooth voice, taking another step towards you. "Can we talk now?"

"Don't come any closer!" you yelled in desperation. You took a few clumsy steps backward until you bumped into something. You stifled a scream of horror when you realized you must have stepped on the corpse of the missing man, and some puzzle pieces began to click into place in your head.

"What is this, Geto? Did you kill these people?" you asked, feeling the fear and anger simmering in your voice.

He shook his head, seeming disappointed.

"Call me by my name, please," he requested softly.

"What have you done..." you whispered with a trembling voice.

"I've told you, I just want to talk to you," he said, raising his hands in a gesture of peace as he approached you.

You tried to back away across the yard, but all you managed to do was trip over the corpse and fall backward against the wall. Your breathing quickened, and your heart raced wildly.

"What do you want from me?" You asked the man who stood before you. "The time to talk was over ten years ago."

You loaded another arrow into your bow, ready to shoot him, but in an instant, Geto went from standing to crouching in front of you, his eyes level with yours. With great care, he placed a hand over yours, the one holding the arrow, and lowered the bow slowly until it pointed to the ground.

"There's no need, really," he explained patiently, as if speaking to a small child. "I would never hurt you, y/n."

Despite the anger and fear you felt, deep down in your heart, you believed him. Despite everything that had happened, you knew that the man before you was still the boy you had met in school, at least in part. Suguru would never hurt you.

But it was undeniable that he was behind the deaths and disappearances you were investigating. Maybe he didn't plan to hurt you, but he did plan to hurt others who were more vulnerable.

"What do you want from me, Suguru?" You asked again, this time with a pleading tone, and his name sounded like a whisper. "Go away. Leave me alone."

A pair of hands cupped your cheeks, and Suguru's thumb brushed the corners of your eyes, wiping away tears you didn't know you had shed.

"I just want to talk to my best friend for a while," he said. "And then I promise that, if you want, you can leave. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to, I promise."

You felt exhausted, and you surrendered to the warmth emanating from his body. You rested your head on one of his hands, and unloaded some of the weight that tormented you.

"What have you done, Suguru?" You asked in a whisper. "People have died."

You didn't know if you were referring to the missing people of Toshima or all those who had died at his hands over the past few years. Possibly both.

"No one important, y/n." He replied, with a smile in his voice. "The shamans you're looking for are safe and sound with me."

You looked up and met his almond-shaped eyes, which watched you attentively, as analytical as ever.

"Are Hana and Naori okay?" You asked with some relief, and he nodded.

Well, at least the two of them were fine. That was good news. Suguru reaffirmed it by gently stroking your cheek with his thumb at a steady pace.

"My pretty girl." He said tenderly. "We have so much to talk about."

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