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The next morning, gentle knocks on the door pulled you from sleep. With a throbbing head, swollen eyes, and eyelids burning from the light filtering through the window, you extended an arm to shield your face, hoping the noise would stop.

However, it persisted. Three knocks, this time more forceful.

"_____ , honey, are you in there?"

"Mmm, yes, mom," you murmured, still half-asleep. "I'll get up now."

You suddenly opened your eyes and sat up in bed. You were in your room in the jujutsu school's faculty wing. On the floor, beside your pillow, lay Satoru in the previous day's clothes. Disheveled and with deep dark circles, he looked at you in surprise.

"Is that my mother?" you whispered to him.

"I think so," he replied in the same tone.

You both stared at each other silently, trying to understand why your mother had traveled to the city and visited your workplace without notice.

"Do you know anything?"

"Can I come in, or are you going to keep me out here all day?" your mother's voice asked from the other side of the door, knocking again.

Satoru tilted his head with a smirk on his lips.

"I'll see you later, okay?" he murmured with a forced smile, and the next instant, he vanished from your room floor, leaving only the pillow on the floor as proof he had been there that night.

That night.

You stared at the floor as memories of the previous day flooded your groggy mind. Satoru's confession, his fear of you leaving, the kisses... Oh my God, you had kissed.

You had kissed Gojo Satoru.

"Damn," you whispered, collapsing back onto the bed in a daze. Had he not been there upon waking, you would have thought it all a dream.

A "click" sounded, and your room door opened, revealing a middle-aged woman on the other side.

"Oops," she murmured, eyeing the door curiously. "It was open. You should be careful."

She walked around the room, taking it all in with a slightly wrinkled nose. You were still lying in bed, looking at the ceiling, in shock. She picked up the pillow from the floor and placed it on your bed, then went to the window and opened it wide. A cool breeze gave you goosebumps.

"Are you okay, honey?" she asked with concern, noticing your lack of movement. "This is a mess."

"I'm tired," you whispered. You blinked a couple of times, watching your mother lean over you, reminiscent of your younger days. You'd always been told how much you resembled each other, and both of you took pride in that. "What are you doing here, mom? I had no idea you were coming."

"Oh? You didn't know?" she seemed genuinely surprised. "Gojo called me."

You sat up in bed.

"Excuse me?"

Your mother tilted her head, offering a tender smile.

"He asked me to come see you both; I thought you'd know."

That son of a bitch.

"I tried calling him, but he didn't answer."

"He must be busy," you whispered. "I don't think you can see him today."

Your mother ran a hand through your hair.

"That kid always does things his way, doesn't he?"

"We're twenty-five, mom."

Old Beats | Gojo Satoru x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora