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Chapter Twenty One - Change of Scenery

I stare out at the setting sun from my bedroom window as I nod along to what Louis is saying even though he can't see me. "That's fine, thank you. I'll speak to you soon then."

Ending the call with a deep exhale I step outside and lock eyes with Noah who asks, "Everything okay?"

"They almost caught Ryan but people are helping him. He was spotted in Toronto last night." I repeat what Louis told me.

"Canada?" His brows raise in surprise. "That's random."

"Yeah." I shrug before taking a seat beside him on the couch. "He still wants me to move into a safehouse on Tuesday though just in case."

"I was thinking..." Noah trails off as he traces circles on my arm absentmindedly. "What if your safehouse was in Dallas?"

That makes me pull away from him in shock. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I don't want to go back home for the summer knowing that you're alone here with that maniac on the loose." He states with determined eyes conveying that he's made up his mind. "Is it possible to get you a safehouse in Dallas? We can spend the summer together at least – if you'd like that?"

"I-I hadn't really thought about that." I murmur, a little surprised that he wants me to go with him.

"There's also a big cabin at the back of my house. If you want I can talk to my paren –"

"No." I shake my head vehemently. "Ryan is still on the run and I won't put you or your family in constant danger like that."

"Faye –"

"You can't change my mind on this Noah. Either I stay at a safehouse in Dallas picked by Louis' team or I don't go at all." I state firmly and he backs down with an understanding sigh.

"If there is a safehouse available...what do you think then?" He asks albeit nervously. "I know you can't be seen but we'll try our best to be careful. I could show you around where I grew up and the ranch, take you out on some more dates or have date night at home."

"That does sound nice." I smile softly and he pulls me flush against him with a grin.

"Either I stay here with you or you come with me. I think if I left you I'd go insane with worry." He mumbles against my lips before kissing me tenderly. "If it wasn't obvious enough I like having you around West."

"You flatter me Jackson." I smirk before he pulls me onto his lap.

It's not a bad idea since the trial date has been set for August and the charges against Evie have been sorted. Sure, it'll suck being in a safehouse and perhaps not being allowed to go out as often but it's a hell of a lot better than being here; alone and miserable. As much as Abel has been trying to convince me to come back to Florida I feel really unsettled at the idea of stepping back into that house even if dad's gone.

"How about we raise it with Louis? See what he says?" Noah suggests and I hum thoughtfully before pulling out my phone.

I call Louis back and set him on speaker so that the three of us can discuss. Louis isn't opposed to the idea and quickly checks to see if it's possible, returning after a few minutes to let us know that there is a safehouse available in the city and very close to the police station. We discuss other details before eventually ending the call, me and Noah shooting each other excited smiles.

"Thank you Noah." I lean forward to peck his lips. "I haven't said it much in the midst of this mess but I..."

Am I really going to say it? I think to myself as my heart races with anticipation and nervousness.

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