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Chapter Twenty Two - Downhill

I disappear into the aisles of the grocery store I had popped into before deeming it safe enough to do a group call, speaking in a hushed tone once the man picks up. "Ryan's in Dallas and following me. We spotted him just now."

"Shit – okay, um..." Roman trails off and I can hear doors closing in the background. "We need to lure him somewhere so that we can catch him. He can't escape this time."

"We could lure him to the safehouse?" Navy suggests, my main bodyguard out of the group. "Are you in town?"

"Yes, I'm just at the office here and leaving now." Roman replies as I pretend to be looking for something. "Did he notice you guys?"

"No, we're staying out of sight as usual. He most likely thinks that she's alone." Navy responds and I stiffen at his next words. "Get out of the store Faye. He's walking in now, let him get into an aisle and then make your way out fast."

"Okay." I whisper before walking to the edge of an aisle and peeking out. I see Ryan walk into the first aisle and quickly run out of the store. "What now?"

"We're going to have you walk out of the parking lot." Navy instructs and I slow to a stop with a shaky breath. "I can see him at the cash registers so we're going to wait for him to leave and notice you. He'll start following you then."

"I'll be near you guys in five." Roman's voice filters through and it sounds like he's running.

"Shit!" I jump out of my skin when my phone buzzes, pulling it back to see who's calling. "Noah's ringing me."

"Decline it! We don't have time to tell Noah and there's nothing he can do anyways." Roman instructs and I nod before cutting the call, texting him back that I'll talk to him later. He's returning tonight after being gone on a two-day trip with Evan to get new equipment for the ranch. By the time he comes back I'm hoping Ryan will finally be in handcuffs.

"Alright." I mumble as I spot Navy up ahead watching me like a hawk.

"Don't feel guilty Faye, he'll get over it. We need to come out of this with zero casualties, that's my goal." He replies and it fills me with some hope. "I'm not going to let my future sister-in-law get hurt."

A full-fledged blush coats my cheeks at that causing Navy to smirk and I avert my gaze to my feet. "C-Cool...um...is Ryan out yet Navy?"

"He is now so keep walking back to the safehouse and act casual. As if you're talking to a friend." He instructs and I do just that although it's more difficult that I thought since I'm trying not to get hurt.

"I'm rushing up ahead and we've got the police surrounding the safehouse, out of sight so we don't tip him off. Faye, you're going to head into the safehouse without looking back and as soon as you're in run to the last exit in that hallway. We'll get you out from there." Roman explains and my heart beats so fast against my ribcage in fear that I'm afraid it might burst out of my chest.

The safehouse that I'm currently in is built so that one entire floor in the apartment building is mine but on the outside it looks like the multiple doors in the hallway all belong to different people. It has a U floor plan with one door at the end serving to either connect me to the other side or get out. Inside it's like a maze set to confuse an intruder and the first thing that Navy showed me when I got here were the exits, secret passageways leading downstairs to empty apartments and the panic buttons.

"Faye, we're going to end this call but I'm waiting inside." Navy speaks and his voice is hushed. "I've called the lift and we're going to go in it together okay?"

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