13. Scared

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In the doctor's cabin

The doctor asks Aaravi to take the seat after they greet each other. Aaravi thanks her after sitting on a chair in front of her.

"How are you now, Aaravi?" the doctor asked giving her a polite smile.

"I am absolutely fine, doc," The doctor smiled at her bubbly nature and asks for her reports.

Taking reports from her, the doctor goes through it with a frown on her face.

"Aaravi dear, I am writing a few more tests for you. Just get those tests done and again meet me," she told while writing in something on her file.

Aaravi took her file back and look at the doctor in confusion,
"Why doctor? Is something wrong?" she asked suddenly getting scared seeing the doctor's serious face.

"Don't worry, It's just to clear my doubt," the doctor said try not to make her panic about her assumption.

Aaravi nodded her head in a daze and goes out of the cabin.

She gets the test done which are CT and MRI scans.

She is now again sitting in the doctor's cabin while she is studying her scans with a very serious face and with full concentration.

The doctor look at her after letting out a deep sigh. She kept the scans on her table and sits straight.

"What happened, doctor? You are scaring me," Aaravi asked in a small voice suddenly feeling anxious.

"Aaravi dear...listen to me calmly, okay,"

Now she is more scared. She is not liking the feeling the doctor is giving her. Something is very bad. She knows. Still, she nodded her head with a thudding heart.

"Were you experiencing headache, dizziness, or any symptoms recently?" the doctor asked in a soft calming tone.

Aaravi nodded slowly and said with little stuttering in her voice,
"Ye..yeah, since few days I was feeling a really bad headache, dizziness and also nauseous,"

The doctor nodded and noted it in her notepad.

"Actually Aaravi...your reports show a tumor in your brain that's why you were getting all these symptoms,"
Aaravi went still in her place and felt numbness spreading all over her body and stopping her thinking capacity.

Doctor look at the pale face and stop talking. She forwarded her glass of water.
"Aaravi drink some water. Please don't stress yourself," she softly feeling really bad for her.

Aaravi is in a state of shock. She can't believe it. It is too cruel for her little heart. The doctor kept saying to don't worry and have faith but she can't think of anything after everything, her life scattered in front of her eyes.

"Aaravi don't worry we will do our best. Just don't lose hope so soon," the doctor but she was lost in her thoughts.

"Aaravi, are you listening," the doctor softly called understanding her state.

Aaravi look up at her and nodded in a daze.
"Dear, it's not good for you to take stress in this condition. You will be fine. Our medical science is very advanced and developed. It has a cure for every disease. There are many ways to remove a brain tumor."

Aaravi nodded slowly but how can she not panic and stress? Her senses stop working.

The doctor give her assuring smile and writes something on her file.

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