41. Parenthood

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Few days later

A loud wailing of a baby echoes in the room at midnight. Abhimanyu who was sleeping beside Aaravi woke up in a hurry. As he sat up on the bed, Aaravi also woke up. 

Abhimanyu quickly gets off the bed to see what happens to his baby boy. Aaravi also walks near the crib to see her son crying badly.

"I think his diaper needs to be changed. I will manage, you go rest, Aaravi," he told her.

"I am fine, Manyu…" but Abhimanyu glared at her, making her pout sadly.

He sighs, shaking his head at her before taking his baby boy to his nursery table to change his diaper and clean him up.

Aaravi smiles seeing Abhi frowning in concentration while changing their son's diaper. He is so gentle and careful with their baby.

"Don't move your legs, boy…" she let out a chuckle when Abhi playfully scolded their baby but instead of stopping her naughty boy started moving his leg more vigorously while cooing cutely.

Aaravi stands in front of her son and tries to distract him while talking in a baby voice so Abhimanyu can clean him up.

"It's okay, meri Jaan…let dadda do his work," Aaravi coo while smiling down at her baby making him blink his eyes innocently as he stared at her for a moment before again starting throwing his arms and legs in the air excitedly.

Abhi and Aaravi chuckle at him. Abhimanyu put a new diaper on him after cleaning him up and went inside the bathroom to wash his hands. 

Aaravi smiles down at her baby boy who is now looking energetic and playful. She took him in her arms carefully and snuggled him to her chest feeling peace and bliss.

"Mumma loves you, Jaan…" she whispers, then kisses his small head lovingly.

She sat on the bed with him on her lap and started playing with her baby as he is not looking in the mood to sleep anytime soon.

“Don't you want to sleep now, hmm?” she asked lovingly softly brushing his tiny nose. 

She smiled lovingly, staring at her cute baby boy as he tried to snuggle into her chest.

She was holding his tiny fragile body in her hands and rocking him slowly while talking to him in a baby voice.

“Do you want to play with Mumma, hm?” 

“Oh my…look at this smile!” she exclaimed in joy seeing his lips curve slightly in a cute small smile. 

It is so heartwarming to her. Aaravi bent toward his face and kissed his forehead lovingly feeling overwhelmed with happiness. 

Abhimanyu who was standing leaning against the washroom door frame, smiled watching her and hearing her talking to their son. 

It feels like a dream to him. His love, his little Aaravi is a mother to their baby. They are parents now. How fast the time changes. It feels like yesterday their little self met each other for the first time. Now see, they are married and already have a cute little baby of their own.

He smiles thinking all this but slowly his smile drops thinking about the battle of fate they had to fight. He stares at the smiling face of Aaravi who is whispering something to their baby boy then kisses his cheeks. 

He started walking near her slowly feeling heaviness inside his chest. Aaravi looked up, sensing his presence near her and grinned at him.

“Manyu, see he is smiling. He is looking so adorable aww…my handsome cute little boy!,” she told him excitedly then cooed at her baby making him wiggle in her arms showing his happiness.

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