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"There's a lady here to see you."

Surprised by the interruption, Thomas looked up from reading a report on questionable activity centered on Arrow Street. Peter had poked his head into his modest room and was smiling at him in a smug way. "A lady?"

Peter nodded, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Claims she's your cousin. I thought all your relatives were dead?"

"Immediate family," Thomas said without hesitation, refusing to rise for Pete's bait. "I know I have some cousins. Most never bother to see me."

His heart pounded. Anyone claiming to be his family had to be from Umbra. But they had a system for contact. It didn't make any sense for them to be that bold and come into a sanctuary. Unless things were that dire.

"Should I send an acolyte to tell the dame to scram?" Peter asked, unaware of his internal conflict. "She probably wants money."

"I might as well tell her myself," Thomas grumbled as he stood up. "I'll be back in a few minutes for dinner."

Peter shook his head. "It's a shame. I hoped she was your scandalous secret. If anyone needs a relationship, it's you."

Thomas tossed the report on to his bed and grabbed his coat. "I have my work. Even if I was to give into lust, it wouldn't be in a holy sanctuary. That's disgusting."

Peter snorted as Thomas brushed past him, leaving the room. "You wouldn't be the first."

Thomas couldn't manage a smile as he walked down the long ivory hall connecting the quarters to the sanctuary. Peter's words lingered in his mind. Guards broke the rules, sneaking women and a few brave men in and out. Servants of the Eternal looked the other way unless someone was being too audacious. Thomas would never be one. Arousal was a little difficult when he knew who was imprisoned under feet. Not to mention his work would put others in danger. There was no one he trusted enough for intimacy.

So who is here to see me?

He tensed as he reached the door leading to the sanctuary. There were two possibilities. It was a contact from the rebel group with an urgent message or a trap from agents of the Sacred State trying to get him to reveal his cover.

In either case, it could be his last day walking the shadowed earth.

Aware that he couldn't stall for long without attracting notice, he pulled open the silver-lined door and walked into the sanctuary. Arch Sanctuary was one of the biggest in Silver Paradise. The Hall of Worship was vast, with pillars stretching to the high ceiling, each pillar resting in a prayer pool. Eternal Light, stored in glass orbs, littered the bottom of the pools. The devout knelt at them, praying for divine help that would never reach them. Since the sanctuary was in a popular commercial area, most there were upper middle-class. They showed up to get credit for their presence. Those who were desperate or defiant avoided the one that quartered guards.

Thomas walked across the room, nodding at familiar faces until he reached a prayer pool located by a door. Only one person knelt at there and he recognized the cloche hat.

He knelt beside the woman, struggling to hide his confusion. "Miss Sullivan?"

This threw him. The last person he expected was Katharine Sullivan.

She gave a slight nod, never taking her eyes away from the water shimmering with golden illumination. "I was hoping to speak with you, Lieutenant Lawson."

He kept a stony expression even as his insides churned. The best possibility was that she found out about his work for the rebels and wanted information. They had a low opinion of her, convinced her article had brought the wrath of the Sacred State down on them. She might wanted to do more damage. But he wasn't a fool. There was one reason she would risk setting foot in a sanctuary. The reason that kept him up at night.

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