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It took us almost two hours before we finally reached my cottage. Maithili liked to call it a home, because she felt extremely happy and peaceful there. All throughout our journey, Maithili kept on telling me about all the things she went through in the past three years. Though there was a hint of grief in her voice, she looked calmer than before. That's all I wanted. I knew her as a brave and adamant girl who refused to give up despite the innumerable difficult situations she had faced in her life. She inspired me to be courageous, and face every challenge I might face in life. That was the sole reason I survived in the past three years without her. She wasn't there with me but her thoughts lived in me. 

On reaching the cottage, Maithili just rushed to the backyard. She had started to smile and giggle. Life felt perfect. I followed her to the backyard, smiling. After so many years, I was finally smiling. She was laying on the bed of grass and taking a deep breath. I went closer to her and laid beside her. We were laying a little apart but I could still sense the comfort she radiated. 

"Maithili, you look so better now. I'm so glad you overcame it. But tell me one thing, honestly, how did you deal with this heartbreak? I mean, I know it's not like you're completely over it... but you look like you're better and...."

"Viraj, you don't need to explain your question. I understand. You know, it's simple. I've witnessed situations worse than this, you remember?", Maithili said while looking at me.

"How can I ever forget it".

"That's what. As compared to everything I've faced before, this felt nothing. In fact, now I realize that perhaps whatever was there between me and Laksh was not even love. Maybe I found just companionship in him after you left. Because after spending so much time with you after so many days, I felt alone once again. I tried to contact you but I couldn't find any clue about you. I thought that maybe you were just trying to....", Maithili paused when I suddenly went closer to her and held her hand, and started weeping. 

"Maithili, I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I left you.... I'm sorry Maithili", I uttered while my voice was still breaking. She turned towards me and put her other hand on mine. "Viraj, it wasn't your fault at all. It was all destined to happen. We were apart but the love between us grew stronger, right? The distance was necessary for both of us to realize what we both meant to each other".

I looked at her and she gave me such a calming smile that all my tears faded away. We were finally together. After all the struggles we faced together as well as separately, we were finally ready to start a new beginning, together.


It felt that all my wounds have finally healed. For two weeks, Viraj and I lived in the cottage. It was our home. But we went back to the city to continue with the life we were living and visited home every weekend. It was yet another fine Sunday and we were spending our time in our home. Viraj was watering the plants when I went inside the kitchen to cook. When I came and checked up on him again, I saw him sitting beside the stream, his legs immersed in the cool water flowing. I went closer to him and saw him smiling to himself.

"Ahem, ahem.... What thoughts are making you smile haan?", I asked while sitting beside him.

"Can it ever be anything else other than you?", he replied, fixing his gaze on me. 

I blushed a little and looked away. He was still looking at me. "Viraj, just wait here, I have a surprise for you", I said with excitement.

"What is it, Maithili?", he asked with curiosity.

"It's a surprise".

"But why?"

"If I tell you everything, how would it be a surprise?"

"Okay baba fine. But just give me a hint na".

"It's something edible. And I'm not telling you anything more than that. Just wait for a minute... I'll be right back".

I rushed to the kitchen where I had baked a cake for him. He always complained that I never baked anything for him so I thought that it would definitely surprise him. Besides, the cake was special. It was for a special day, a special moment. I took it and turned around when I was surprised to see Viraj leaning against the kitchen door.

"See, I surprised you before you could surprise me", he said with a playful smile.

"You scared me".

"I didn't mean to, chaand", he said while looking straight into my eyes.


"Yes... You're my chaand... And I'll tell you why... But later... Now I can't wait for my surprise".

"Here it is", I said, handling over the cake to him.


Maithili gave me the cake and I was way too surprised looking at it. She had written 'Marry me?' on the cake! She had proposed me! I was beyond happy. I was on cloud nine. Though there was a clear answer from my side, I just thought of tricking her a little. So instead of replying to her, I went and sat by the stream again. She looked confused but she came and sat beside me. 

"Viraj, will you marry me?", she asked, her eyes getting filled with tears and her voice trembling.

"What else was I born for, Maithili?", I replied while looking at her.

She smiled and looked away. I looked at her. And at that moment, I realized that I could look at her for an eternity and never get tired or bored of it. I gently held her in my arms and caressed her, while the flowers looked at us and smiled.

Sweetheart under the moonlightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz