Chapter 2

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Angy groaned, squinting immediately as her lashes began to peel open. The glaring morning sun cast a burning sensation over her eyes, obscuring her vision with foggy images. With a tired sigh, she shut her eyes again, feeling both weak and strangely relaxed. However, a sudden alarm jolted her awake. As she predicted, she found herself on a large bed, and without hesitation, she bolted into a sitting position, a wet towel tumbling from her forehead. There was no time to survey her surroundings; she needed to escape. Panic churned in her stomach, sending shivers down her spine, warning of imminent danger.

Refusing to deceive herself into believing she was safe, Angy's mind raced with a sense of urgency. Despite her body protesting the sudden movement, she pushed herself upright, using the bed for support. Just as she steadied herself, the door swung open, freezing her in place. She held her breath, resigned to her inevitable capture.

“What are you doing? You should be in bed,” a deep voice echoed through the room, instantly recognizable but tinged with a hint of unfamiliarity to Angy's foggy mind.

Grabbing a nearby mini headlamp from the bedside table, Angy instinctively held it up defensively. “Stay away from me,” she warned, her jaw clenched with determination.

“Angy, you might hurt yourself with that,” the intruder cautioned, slowly approaching with his hands raised in surrender.

His use of her name jolted Angy, raising her head in surprise, though her vision remained blurred. Fending off dizziness, she tightened her grip on the lamp stand. “Stay where you are. Don’t move!” she commanded, her urgency palpable.

Silence hung in the air, thick with tension, as Angy awaited a response. Despite her blurred vision, she could sense the intruder's youth and physique, a potential threat amidst her vulnerability.

“Don’t you remember me? You bumped into me on the street,” he stated matter-of-factly, his brows furrowed in confusion.

“Wait… so you’re not one of them?” Angy questioned cautiously, suspicion tainting her tone. With each passing second, her pain intensified, her stance faltering.

“One of who?” he inquired, his concern evident as Angy struggled to maintain her balance.

Before Angy could respond, a wave of dizziness overcame her, causing her grip to falter and the lamp stand to crash to the ground. She swayed unsteadily, her eyes struggling to remain open.

“Angy!” he exclaimed, rushing to her side just in time to prevent her fall. As Angy slipped into unconsciousness, he gently laid her back on the bed, knowing the challenges that lay ahead. This was going to be a long day.


“You’re awake”, a voice broke Angy out of her thoughts.

Staring at the stranger in front of her, Angy’s eyebrows were creased in confusion. Letting out a breath, she forced herself to sit up with her back leaning against the headboard. “Who are …you?”, she croaked out. Her throat felt adust and dry but she didn’t take her eyes of the stranger in front of her- a lady to be precise. She appeared sophisticated and elegant even in her silky night gown. She was beautiful too- a type of beauty that made her look like a model, one that would definitely turn heads.

“My name is Ella. I heard you’re Angy- It’s nice to meet you”, the lady said, replying to Angy’s question with a smile.

“What am I doing here?”, she questioned, her eyes darting around skeptically. The room looked luxurious and it apparently seemed to be a guest room owing to the absence of personal belongings. The room had a simple yet fascinating interior design. It had a large space remaining even with the queen sized bed and couch in place and a closet at the far end of the wall.

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