Chapter 14

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Author's note: I have to apologize for the slow updates. I've been really swamped with school and all and I'm struggling to find the balance between it all. Writing this chapter had taken the strength only God could bestow and as an exception, this chapter is unusually long🤭. A big thank you to those who'd stuck with me this far. Enjoy!


Vivienne's hand froze on the door handle of the car, after she watched Charlotte sashay away in all her Queen glory, she turned to the culprit and owner of the voice. Her father. She didn't bother fixing a smile, she stared blankly.

Her father stared. "You've been withdrawing yourself from us lately. What is going on?"

"Us?" She tilted her head.

"They're your family, Vivienne. Melissa is my wife and your mom, Charlotte is your sister. It's utterly due you abandon these acts of childishness. We've been married for three years now." Mr. Martillio stated as a matter of fact.

"I have a mother, Dad and it's not your wife. I do not need a replacement more or less a sibling. I was fine being alone." She retorted.

" Your mother's getting married next week. I'm sure you're aware of that."

Vivienne felt a punch to her gut. Her stomach churned and twisted into knots.

" Everyone has moved on, Vivienne. It's high time you do the same."

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left Mom." Vivienne jarred, glaring at him from where she sat at the opposite end of the car. Thankfully, they weren't sharing the same seat.

"Vivienne." Mr Martillio's voice lowered in warning. "We've been over this."

"What do you need, Dad? I'm sure you didn't force a ride with you on me just to say this." Vivienne's eyes narrowed in on her father.

Mr Martillio paused, eyeing her in a purposeful and deliberate manner. "I wanted to spend time with my daughter. "

"Which daughter?" She questioned. "Because apparently, you have two daughters." Her jaw ticked and her eye twitched.

"Are you still friends with the Trio?" He suddenly asked.

"I thought you'd already have an answer from your infomat who's become your favorite daughter. How've you been enjoying the lies she's been feeding you?" She shot at him, her words bitter just like it tasted.

" Vivienne!"

She didn't know why but she found herself recoiling at the bellow of her father. Eyes wide and lips parted enough to allow a small gap, she sunk back into her seat and looked away from him.

He sucked in a deep breath as if trying to rein in his impatience. "I need to close a deal with their fathers this Saturday and I need to see that you're on good terms with the boys."

"How can you possibly be thinking of putting your business first with the knowledge of what this Saturday's event means to the Herringtons? A deal? I can't believe this." She shook her head in disdain.

The corner of Mr. Martillio's lip pulled up. " You know nothing, hija. Leave such things for the adults to worry about."

Vivienne folded her arms. "If you're looking for someone to use, I'm sure your other daughter will be up for it."

"It has to be you. Mr D'Angelo asked of you the other day. Do not disappoint me, Vivienne. This deal means alot to me."

Vivienne's brow furrowed at the mention of Drew's Dad. "Prepare yourself, because you'll be getting a truckload of it."

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