Chapter 4

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Sebastian’s POV

Class started 10 minutes ago and she still wasn’t here.

Where the fuck was she?

I clenched my fists and tried to focus on the teacher. I had no fucking idea what he was talking about. I didn’t even know what class I was in.

I just knew that she was supposed to be here and she wasn’t.

I felt Amelia’s hand on my thigh. I looked at her and she smiled at me.

“How about a blow job in the janitor’s closet later?” she whispered as she leaned in and winked at me.

I didn’t answer. I didn’t give a shit.

Where the hell was she?!

I glanced at Rhys. He was staring at his phone with a worried look on his face. He was bouncing his right leg up and down so hard that I was just waiting for him to launch himself out of that chair.

I looked at Mia and saw her staring at Rhys’ phone.

“Where is she?” Mia asked quietly.

I forced myself to focus on their conversation. I needed to know where she was. This wasn’t like her. She was never late to class. She never missed any of her classes unless she was sick.

Was she sick?

I saw her this morning and she looked okay.

“I don’t know,” Rhys mumbled. “She isn’t answering my texts.”

He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath.

“Fuck, Aurora,” he mumbled as he started typing on his phone. “Where the fuck are you?”

I clenched my fists and looked back at the teacher. He was writing some formulas on the board.

Math. Right. We were at Math.

Where the fuck was she?!

I pulled out my phone and looked at the screen. 15 minutes late.

I unlocked it and went through my contacts until I found her name.

If she wasn’t answering Rhys, she wasn’t going to answer me either.


“Excuse me, Sir?” Rhys’ interrupted the teacher.

I looked at him and saw him standing up.

“Yes, Mr. Williams?” the teacher asked, his voice laced with annoyance. “You better have a very good reason to interrupt my class.”

“I do, Sir,” Rhys said. “Miss Anderson isn’t here because she isn’t feeling well. She asked me to take her home.”

My heart raced. She wasn’t feeling well? What happened? What was wrong? Where was she?

“She probably had too much dick,” Amelia said quietly, making one of her friends chuckle. “Maybe she is nauseous and pregnant.”

I saw fucking red. I looked at Amelia and the smile immediately disappeared from her face.

“Miss Anderson has parents, Mr. Williams,” the teacher said. “They will come to pick her up. Sit down.”

“They are out of town, Sir,” Rhys continued. “She has no one to help her.”

My heart clenched painfully. She had me…


“Fine,” the teacher mumbled. “Go.”

Rhys rushed toward the door. I watched him leave and my heart just wouldn't stop hammering against my chest.

I wanted to run after him and find her, but…

Rhys never came back to class. I didn’t see him until I walked into the cafeteria.

I was on the edge of exploding. I was angry as fuck. I was scared. I was terrified. I thought that I would go into a fit of rage and destroy the whole fucking building.

I almost started screaming when I finally saw her.

She was sitting at our usual table. Rhys and Mia were with her. Mia looked worried. Rhys looked angry.

She looked like she was about to cry. She was pale and I could see her hands shaking. She was peeling the bottle label off. She always did that when she was nervous.

My rage only grew.

What the fuck happened?

“I thought that the little whore was sick,” one of Amelia’s bitches said. “Why is she here?”

“You know, Anderson, I really hope that your sister will let me fuck her one of these days,” Bruno said as we sat down at the table. “She opened her legs to half of the school. Do you think that she would do it for me? She is so fucking hot.”

I saw fucking red.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him so close to me that our noses were almost touching.

“You touch her and I will break every fucking finger on your hand one by one,” I said, making his eyes widen. “Did I make myself clear?”

He tightened his jaw and I could see anger flash in his eyes.

“Don’t fuck with me, Bruno,” I threatened him. “I will kill you if you touch one hair on her head.”

“You will have to kill half the school then,” Carl snickered, making me look at him.

He was looking at their table and smirking.

“I feel sorry for Williams,” he said. “He’s been by her side forever and he still didn’t get a chance to dip his dick in her.”

My stomach turned. The anger started boiling in my veins. I hated it when they mentioned what happened. I hated it when they reminded me who she was.

“Do you think that he knows about the video?” Amelia asked, laughing. “He thinks that she is an angel. Maybe we should show it to him and change his mind.”

I let Bruno go and ran my fingers through my hair. My hands were shaking.

“I think you were right about her being pregnant,” Jackie, one of Amelia’s friends, said. “She looks like she is about to throw up.”

“She probably doesn’t even know who the father is,” Amelia said, laughing loudly.

Everyone at the table started laughing with her.

I just tried to swallow the bile that threatened to suffocate me.

I looked at their table and saw Rhys saying something to her. He looked angry. She kept shaking her head, but she wasn’t speaking. Her head was bent down so I couldn’t see her face until Mia grabbed her hand and she looked up at her.

The pain and fear I saw in her eyes almost made me pass out.

What the fuck happened?

Was she really…

No. Maybe she was doing all of those things, but she was smart enough to protect herself.

She asked Mia a question and Mia nodded.

The two of them started getting up, but Rhys grabbed her hand and shook his head. She pulled her hand out of his grasp and started walking away from the table. Mia wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her out. Rhys clenched his fists and rushed after them.

“Trouble in paradise,” someone at the table said.

I didn’t know who. I didn’t give a fuck.

I had to get home and find out what the fuck happened.

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