Chapter 16

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Sebastian’s POV

The front door opened just as Rhys and I walked downstairs.

“Sebastian!” my mom exclaimed. “Where is she?!”

My dad walked in behind my mom. He looked like he was ready to kill someone. I gulped and glanced at Rhys.

“Aurora, baby?” my mom shouted, looking behind us.

“She is in her room, Mom,” I said, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. “She is taking a bath.”

“Oh, my baby,” my mom cried out as she placed her bag by the door. “I need to go see her.”

I tightened my jaw and took a deep breath.

“Wait, Mom,” I said, my voice trembling. “I need to talk to you and Dad before that.”

My mom glanced upstairs and I saw hesitation in her eyes.

“I need to tell you everything,” I said. “I need to tell you the truth. I need you to know everything.”

My mom looked back at me and furrowed her eyebrows. My dad just looked pissed as fuck.

“The truth about what?” my dad asked angrily. “My baby was attacked. What else do we need to know?”

I gulped and took a deep breath.

“You need to know that I fucked up,” I said, trying to remain calm. “You need to know that I put her in that position by being a fucking asshole.”

My dad’s eyes widened. My mom froze.

“What?” my dad asked, gritting his teeth. “Explain, Sebastian, right the fuck now.”

I pointed toward the couch. Both my mom and dad reluctantly walked toward it and sat down. I approached them slowly and sat on the armchair. I glanced at Rhys and saw him leaning against the wall. He kept his eyes on the stairs and I could tell that he was on the verge of breaking down.

“What did you do?” my dad asked angrily. “Did you know that the fucker was going to hurt your sister?”

My eyes widened and I looked back at my dad.

“No!” I exclaimed. “If I knew, I would have killed him before he got a chance!”

My dad narrowed his eyes. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair.

“I fucked up because I trusted someone I shouldn’t have,” I started explaining. “I trusted my ex-girlfriend and her group of friends over Rory.”

“Well, not really over her,” Rhys mumbled. “You never even talked to her. You never gave her a chance to defend herself.”

My parents looked at Rhys with confused expressions on their faces.

“Amelia and her friends made me believe that Rory was sleeping with a lot of the guys from the school,” I explained, making my parents look back at me. “They even made a fake sex tape and showed it to me. I couldn’t watch after I saw her face so I just believed them that it was real.”

“But he showed it to me a few days ago and I told him he was a giant piece of shit,” Rhys said angrily. “I told him that the video was clearly fake.”

Both of my parents gasped loudly.

“Are you fucking with us right now?!” my dad exclaimed, looking from me to Rhys. “You knew about it and you didn’t do shit?! You should have told us! We could have thrown their asses into jail!”

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