30. Chapter - Gentsha's dream

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It had been four days since they locked them up in the enormous room that was more like a huge apartment complex. And Corey was about to lose his mind.

The first day was fine. Once he went to grab something to eat with Azka, red down to his heels when he saw his friends eyeing him suspiciously as he exited the bedroom with the prince, his nerves settled. They all found something to do for the day afterward, and it was surprisingly fun. There was chatting, some reading, and more chatting before they had dinner and went to their bed. Luckily, Corey ended up sharing his bed with Niel this time.

He was dying to know what exactly happened between him and Nist'ahra, but Niel was so vague about it that Rey gave up after the third time he asked, and they went to sleep.

The second day, Adam came up with the idea to create some improvised cards so they could play a few games. Surprisingly enough, they got all the materials they needed – something similar to a thin wooden board they used instead of paper and a pen to draw each card. Azka and Mogae then volunteered to cut the board into individual cards using their transformed claws. It was a good day, and everyone had a lot of fun. Especially when Patrick and Adam tried to teach the aliens how to play the cards.

Day three was the day when all the humans went and got drunk on a fruit called Enha. It was a huge shock for everyone as the aliens ate that fruit all the time without being intoxicated. Khirin, the royal healer, figured the fruit contained a specific mix of sugars and minerals that wasn't exactly agreeable with the human body, and it basically poisoned them. Luckily, it wore off before they went to sleep, but there were terrible consequences on the fourth day.

The hangover was killing them.

Corey was sure his mood was heavily influenced by his queasy stomach and a terrible headache, but he couldn't help himself. He needed to leave this prison. The more he looked around, the more suffocating it was. The walls were everywhere he looked. There were no windows, nothing. They were trapped there, and he couldn't do anything about it.

It was barely after lunch, which all the humans skipped because they were all dying just the same, and Corey's last nerve just snapped. All the people everywhere were driving him mad. As big as the room was, it was too small all of a sudden. He needed space. He wanted to go out, feel the wind on his face, and know he could run and run and never reach his goal.

He had never had a problem with confined spaces in the past, but it seemed he had an undiscovered limit. And that limit reached its end.

"I need to get out of here," he said, rubbing his temples in hopes it would calm his raging headache. The constant dull pounding behind his eyes, which occasionally throbbed so hard he thought his whole head would snap in two, refused to settle, and with that, his irritation slowly escalated with each minute ticking away.

"I can't stay here for another day. Another hour. Spending the next five minutes here seems almost impossible at this point. I want to leave," he whined.

He understood whatever danger there was for everyone involved, but there was nothing he could do to calm down. He tried. But whatever he did, it was ruined by his current state. He couldn't even fall asleep again because of his upset stomach and fucked up brain. Every time he closed his eyes, he felt like he was on some terrible spinning ride, and it made his nausea worse.

"Suck it up, buddy. We just gotta let our body force that shit out of our system. You'll feel fine again soon. Hopefully," Adam groaned next to Corey, burying his face into the soft material of the huge pillow-like mattresses they were currently lying on.

It would be a great area for a movie night. The mattresses were all over the floor, ideal for several people to just laze around, stuff their mouths with popcorn and watch TV. Just that idea made Corey feel even worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now