16. Chapter - Reunion

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Love this song! I actually see it as a soundtrack to this whole series. From what I gathered, the song is more about politics and how this world's going to hell, but the way I interpreted it suits this story. I wanted to let you listen to it, so you could come up with your own ideas! ^.^

Late as always, I know! But I made a resolution to update more frequently, among other things, so we will see how it goes in the future! We have a special saying in my country about the New Year's Day. I have no idea if my translation is understandable (hopefully, it is), but it's something like this: The way you spend your New Year's Day is the way your whole year will go. (Jak na Nový rok, tak po celý rok in my language). I spent my whole day writing because of it! We will see if the saying is at least a little bit right! ^.^

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas and got everything you wanted!

Happy New Year! Make it better than the previous one!

Now, without further ado, enjoy the chapter! ^.^


Waking up in the morning was hard. It was the first time Corey hated the idea of joint breakfast since he arrived on the planet. He would much rather stay in a bed and sleep for another couple of hours than go and socialize. But Azka'rah was adamant about it and wouldn't let him.

"Can we just, I don't know, stay in our beds if we inform the king beforehand? I know it's your tradition or whatever, but it feels so restricting when we have to be back at the palace for each meal every day. It was nice at first, but as I'm not used to something like that, it's just weird," he asked on their way to the dining room. He would seriously appreciate at least one day in a week when they wouldn't have to watch time and could wonder around without a care.

Azka smiled, shaking his head slightly at Rey's persistence. He's been repeating the same thing since he got out of the bed and wasn't getting tired of it at all.

"We do not eat together every time. There are times when one of us has to take care of some things, as you saw yesterday, so it is not as strictly followed as it might've seemed at the beginning. I will try to discuss it with my family, and we will see. I do not think it should be a problem, if it will not be too often. There are bound to be days when we will not make it on time anyway. Take the trip to the undersea city, which I talked about, for example. It is quite far from here, and the traveling will take several hours. If I want to show you something more than the entrance and first few houses, we will have to miss at least one meal."

They turned left, stopping in front of the door leading to the dining room.

"Now, forget about all that has been troubling you for now. I have a surprise for you, and I am quite confident you will be happy." Azka smiled, mysterious glint glittering in his eyes.

The human looked at him, confused, suddenly overcame by a weird feeling of déjà vu.

Placing his hand on the door knob, the alien prince opened the door, letting Rey come inside first, soft smile playing on his lips when he noticed the boy's shoulders tensing up a bit.

"What-" Corey started, but was unable to finish his thoughts as he was attack by a huge muscular body.

"Dude!" sounded deep amused voice; a voice Corey knew too well. Dumbfounded for a second, he didn't know how to react or what to say. If the arms he was squeezed in weren't hugging him so tightly it hurt, he would've thought he was still dreaming.

"Adam?" he tried, his voice strained by lack of oxygen and emotional turmoil. He wasn't sure if seeing his friend first thing in the morning was a good thing or a bad one. Especially when they were about to have a breakfast with the royal family. Adam wasn't known for his good manners. Not to mention being too shocked so early in the morning was definitely not good for Rey's health.

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