Chapter 127-128

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 09/19/2023

Chapter 127: High Jump Final (Part 3)

In the sports channel's live broadcast room, as the competition progresses into the final tense moments, many viewers are feeling increased pressure due to the nail-biting nature of the current event.

【The high jump competition looks incredibly stressful. Initially, it seemed quite relaxed, but now it's almost at the maximum height. Every jump is heart-pounding, it's really intense...】

【Indeed, it feels easier to watch running races. They finish in just a few minutes...】

【Well, each event has its own charm. Like during the 400m relay, there's intense competition among athletes as they jostle for position, and in long-distance races, the competition in the middle laps is also nerve-wracking.】

The charm of sports lies in the unique intensity and excitement of each event, attracting different types of viewers. Some enjoy watching the showdown of speed and power, like in sprinting and relay races, while others appreciate the skill and endurance required in events like high jump and long-distance running.

【That's right, each event has its moments of brilliance, and every athlete is giving their all for their dreams and their country's honor. That's the essence of sports.】

【No matter the event, athletes put in immense effort and sacrifice to achieve outstanding results on the field. As spectators, we should also respect their dedication and hard work.】

【Whether it's a sprint or an endurance event, each has its thrilling moments. This is also what makes sports events so captivating. Let's all cheer for the athletes and witness their outstanding performances together!】

【You're absolutely right. In high jump, once Wang Shen cleared 2.31 meters just now, we can relax. The pressure is no longer on us; it's on the Qatar audience...】

In the live chat room, after Wang Shen successfully cleared 2.31 meters in his attempt, combined with Abdallah's failure at this height, the viewers were visibly relieved.

Following Abdallah, it was again Tomoaki Yamashita's turn to jump. This was his last attempt at the moment, and he needed to clear this height to stay competitive in the upcoming rounds.

Tomoaki Yamashita took a deep breath at the starting point. The bar was set at 2.31 meters, a height he had successfully cleared before, but only in training. His personal best in a competitive setting was currently 2.28 meters.

Could he surpass his personal best and rejoin the medal contention with this jump?

With these expectations in mind, Tomoaki Yamashita started his approach from the starting point, giving it his all in this critical moment. He sprinted, leaped, and soared through the air!


When Tomoaki Yamashita felt his body touch the bar in mid-air and saw it fall alongside him as he landed, he knew he had failed.

For a brief moment, a sense of disappointment welled up within him, but he quickly quelled it.

The joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat were feelings that every athlete had to experience repeatedly in numerous competitions. Even the world's top athletes couldn't always stand atop the victory podium.

The audience in the stadium applauded Tomoaki Yamashita, offering him words of encouragement. With his exit, there were now only four athletes left on the field: Wang Shen, Abdallah, Jihani, and Ye Wenhao.

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