Chapter 289-290

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 10/18/2023

Chapter 289: Confession Once Again

Su Bai wasn't particularly surprised to see Cui Luoheng outside the door. In fact, after Cui Luoheng's initial confession and his various actions before that, Su Bai had already figured out the reasons.

Initially, he had indeed hesitated about his feelings for Cui Luoheng.

Although he had experienced the warmth of family during his childhood and the harmonious atmosphere between his parents, these fond memories were sealed away with the passing of his parents.

After he was sent to the orphanage, he received decent care, but the stark contrast and loneliness he felt after experiencing the warmth of a family enveloped him, gradually altering his personality.

Su Bai understood that he lacked a sense of security in his emotions. He longed for the warmth of a family that he had experienced in his childhood, but at the same time, he resisted the closeness of others.

He always maintained a certain fear of life, much like his fear as a child due to the loss of his parents. He was afraid that someone would come close to him, give him warmth, and then leave him again.

This fear had shaped his seemingly gentle but distant demeanor towards many people.

If it hadn't been for the past interactions with Cui Luoheng, and if they hadn't gradually grown closer during their training, Su Bai was confident that he would have calmly rejected Cui Luoheng's confession at that moment.

From the period of the S Province Athletics Team until later, through every bit of training with Cui Luoheng, Su Bai had gradually grown accustomed to Cui Luoheng's presence.

However, if it was just mere familiarity, then not only with Cui Luoheng, Su Bai had become accustomed to the presence of other athletes he had trained like Qiu Wen, Zhang Ziyi, and Wang Shen. But when it came to imagining Qiu Wen or others confessing their feelings to him, Su Bai subconsciously frowned in resistance.

Once Su Bai realized this, or perhaps when he realized that Cui Luoheng and others like Qiu Wen might be different to him, he became acutely aware that he didn't dislike Cui Luoheng's confession. In fact, even without realizing it, he had developed a subconscious fondness for Cui Luoheng.

However, despite understanding these feelings, Su Bai, driven by inner instincts of fear, never confronted Cui Luoheng about it. Coincidentally, after that one confession, Cui Luoheng also didn't dare to confess again for some time, so Su Bai pretended to have forgotten about the whole thing.

As a coach who was always decisive in training, it was unlikely that many people could see that in matters of the heart, he was completely avoidant and passive. If no one continued to chase after him, and if that pursuit caused any sign of hesitation in him, he would quickly withdraw, much like an ostrich trying to bury its head in the sand, but then quickly pulling it out even faster upon sensing any disturbance.

In matters of the heart, Su Bai was reticent, silent, and passive, and not just that, he would swiftly escape, severing all hope from the other person as soon as he started to avoid them.

Aware of this passive nature in his emotions, Su Bai pretended to forget and set the matter aside, never seriously reflecting on it. He had initially believed that after setting the matter aside, Cui Luoheng might gradually forget those feelings due to the failure of the initial confession.

It wasn't until he noticed that Cui Luoheng was investing more energy in training, seemingly striving for better results, that Su Bai finally understood the reason for Cui Luoheng's dedication to training and performance.

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