ii. when I finally

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When I finally let my mind, which was kept ashore all this while
Drown in this sea of thoughts so vile
I'll make sure it spumes

When I finally let my heart, sink to my stomach after the many painful darts
I'll make sure it's carved underneath my ribs

When I finally let my lower lip, quiver in hurt and anguish after streching it for smiles that never had a reason,
I'll make sure it's never stable again

When I finally let my eyes, rest from my constant cries, I'll make sure that the red of my blood, stains the white in my eyes as viens

All in hopes that I will be found too
When I'm nothing more than a miserable heap
Just like I approached all of those who got lost in thier own way
And showed them all comforting hues. .

Maybe the warmth of the touch of a palm
Or maybe fingers brushing across my cheek
Maybe a ruffle in my hair, so slow, so calm
Or maybe a hug for my body so weak

Or maybe it's just who I am
Who gives and expects in return

I gave you everything when you had nothing. Can you give me something from that everything?

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