xix. paint

107 21 12

TW: Bl00d, self harm, sharp objects

I once knew a girl
her spirit so bright
when she'd enter the room
she'd set it alight

I found too that
when everyone's gone
she used to paint
and of the colour red she was fond

So she'd take out her brush
in the middle of the night
when the world was fast asleep
and watch as her paper leaks

it made her feel calm
her feelings strip naked
her canvas was a mess
but really, nothing's perfect

cuz she accidentally stabbed
her canvas really deep
and just like everytime
her paint started to leak

I once knew a girl
her spirit so bright
when she'd enter the room
she'd set it alight

I found too that
when everyone's gone
she used to self harm
after paving through the day, she'd finally feel fond

she'd take out her blade
in the middle of the night
when the world was fast asleep
and watch as her blood would leak

it made her feel calm
her feelings, they stripped naked
her hands were a mess
but really, this world was never perfect

cuz she accidentally stabbed
into her skin too deep
but this time
she stopped to breathe

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