The Lotus Flower (Part 1)

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Lol I'm continuing this book. It's now a hypnotism collection of one shots. And another Circe!I got inspired by the song 'there are other ways' in epic the musical. It's soo good.

(Set during the second giant war right after Leo happened)

Third person pov

Slash, stab, duck, roll, repeat. That was what was going on in Percy Jackson's head. The monsters were going to lose. With Gaia gone, he was going to avenge Leo. He was going to make sure of that. 

His mind was on autopilot, and when the monsters hurt him, he felt little to no pain. A whisper cut through the now silent air. He looked around the battlefield. There was no one there. Not a single monster, or demigod in sight. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

'Annabeth? Frank? Hazel?'

Where was everyone?

His body tensed when he felt a hand slide around his throat. There was a sound of hurried muttering, and then they let go of him. He tried to move, but he was stuck. 

'Who are you?' He growled.

He heard a laugh. Who was this person? The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember whose. 

'Oh, Percy. Don't you remember me? I've come for my revenge.'

He shook his head, racking his brain. Seriously, how many people would want revenge on him?

'Don't you remember destroying my island?' 

His eyes widened in shock. 


She chuckled and slid into his view. Circe looked just as he remembered. Her piercing green eyes  looked him up and down. Her long dark hair was perfect, silky, shiny, smooth. He felt vulnerable, and even years later, she still made him want to please her. Ugh, he hated magic.

 She was holding a flower. A lotus flower. Dam it, he just couldn't get a break from old stuff, huh?

'You know, have I ever told you how powerful these lotus flowers are? They can twist your mind, make you believe that you love someone. You would do anything for them.' She twisted the flower in her hands, and smirked at me. 

'Look, just get your stupid speech done with and start fighting already.' I said.

'But, Percy, I don't want to fight you! And I don't think you want to fight me either...'

No, no no no no don't use the flower- 

She used the flower.

He blinked, and looked at her again. A calming sensation spread through his body. 

I never realised how beautiful Circe is, he thought.Those stunning green eyes, and that long luscious hair-

No, no no Percy you love Annabeth, don't give in! Don't-

She smiled at him, and those thoughts crumbled faster than ash. Percy felt a burning desire to go over to her and kiss her. Why didn't he? Well, he was still stuck, wasn't he?

For the second time, Circe muttered something. Suddenly, he could move again, and the demigods appeared again. They were all looking at Circe in anger. He just looked at her lovingly.

'What did you do to him?' A blonde screamed. What was her name again? Annie- Annabelle- Betty? Oh, who cares? He asked himself. He certainly didn't. All he cared about was the woman in front of him.

'Why should I tell you? So you can get your boyfriend back? Well, sorry, but he's mine.'

Her voice was sweeter than honey. It was soothing, and he just fell deeper under the trance. He forgot the reason he was here, on this field, but didn't care. Why should he? His eyes were filled with love and admiration, but underneath all that, he hated what was happening. He could feel himself changing, the way he thought, and felt. The flower not only put Percy under Circe's control, but changed him from the inside. His memories of anything and anyone apart from Circe were being pushed to the back of his mind, while he stopped fighting the spell altogether.

'Percy, no!' This time, it was a young boy in all black who spoke. He didn't recognise this child.

The boy named Nico ran to Percy, and shook his shoulders.

'Remember Annabeth! Annabeth! Your girlfriend!'

Percy gave the son of Hades a confused look.


Gasps were heard all across the field. The desperate look in the boys eyes made Percy feel guilty.  But he couldn't even concentrate on anything apart from Circe.

'Come on, Percy! Remember! Don't give in!'

Just as the memory came to him, the sorcerers voice washed over him like a spell.

'Percy, honey, come here.'

He walked over there willingly, sliding easily out of the kids grip. Another person ran up to him, right before he reached Circe. The same blonde girl as before. Gods, could he not love someone in peace?

'Percy, you're stronger than her! Please, fight it!'

She kissed him.

He stood there in shock, while the memories of them washed over. This was Annabeth, the girl he loved with all his heart. He melted into the kiss, until a shrill voice broke them apart.

'Stop! Stop! Percy, come here now!' 

Annabeth snarled and kissed Percy one more time, before taking out her dagger and charging at Circe.

The flower was strong, he would admit that. He became conflicted. 

Stay with Annabeth, or submit to Circe's will?

He was arguing with himself. He kept shaking his head. 

Circe is the only one you love! That Annabelle girl means nothing when you have-

No! Circe turned you into a Guinea pig! And her name is Annabeth, and she is the only one I love.

Circe can give you everything! She is the only one. The only one you love. Circe.

'Only- only- Circe- no, no, no-' he stuttered, as the words came pouring out of his mouth.

He was too busy to notice Annabeth and Circe fighting. Annabeth's anger at Percy being used gave her temporary resistance to Circe's magic.

She slashed, and slashed, but Circe just created a protection spell.

Jason and Frank came forward, and spoke to Percy, or, tried to speak to Percy. They soon figured out it was no use. So, they tried dragging him towards the demigods, but Percy just pushed them away, while stumbling back and grabbing his head. 

'No, no no no no-'




'One, one- no no-'

He walked backwards, away from his friends. He kept screwing his eyes shut and opening them abruptly, while jerking his head. He wanted the voices to stop. He wanted everything to stop. His head was exploding, his arms were heavy, his legs felt like stone, he just wanted to rest. He was in so much pain. Pain, pain pain-

'Pain, pain pain pain-' he murmured.

Circe quickly ran to him and demanded he take them away from here. 

The spell took its hold on him again, and he used his newfound vapour-travelling ability to get the both of them out. The last thing he saw of the demigods was their faces filled with despair.

Ooooh, I love writing about Percabeth. It's a shame. The one time love can't prevail. Heehehhehehe. 

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