The Lotus Flower (Part 2)

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The spell took its hold on him again, and he used his newfound vapour-travelling ability to get the both of them out. The last thing he saw of the demigods was their faces filled with despair.

Percy looked at his surroundings. Where was he? Where did he take them? He heard a sound from next to him and jumped. Circe was currently smiling sweetly at him. It took all of his power not to throw her into the ocean.

'Wha- how did you-' he stuttered, the effects of the flower wearing off.

'Tut, tut, no questions now. I see you're back to your senses now.' she paused and looked at her nails. 'Shame, really. You were quite fun to control.'

Percy was now shaking with uncontrollable rage. The sea churned; moving in all directions. The wind picked up, and he could feel the ground shaking. On, he was angry.

She looked at the walls nervously. 

'Well, back to business, then. Percy, look at me.'

He tried to resist, but she was charmspeaking him. She was too powerful. All he could do was glare at her.

'You will now feel the effects of the Lotus Flower again. But this time, it's permanent. All you can do, is obey me.'

He tried to hold out, but it was too hard. On top of the charm speak, she used a permanent spell. The voices came back, but the one loyal to Circe was even stronger. 

See! Circe loves you. She needs you. You need her. That Annabelle girl,She means nothing. Circe is the only person you need.

No, no no no-

Circe hates me, she just wants to use me, Annabeth is theonly person I love-

I love Annabeth! I love-

'What do you feel about me, Percy?' She asked, grinning.

'I- I love Ann- I love you.' 

'You do?' 

He smiled at her, a dreamy look on his face. He felt at complete peace, this was bliss. He slowly inched closer to her. Closer, and closer, and closer, until he was right by her.

'More than anything.' he said, before kissing her lightly on the lips.

'You would do anything for me?' she questioned, in between kisses.

He paused before smiling at her again.

'Of course.'

'Would you...' she trailed her fingers around his jaw. 'Would you renounce the gods?'

His face hardened, before nodding.

'Good. Do it.'

'I-' he looked as though he were struggling. 'I renounce the gods. I pledge myself to- to Circe.'

She beamed at him.

'Well done! Now, get ready. We're going to battle with the demigods again.They won't be expecting us.'

'Or rather, you won't be expecting us.' Came an angry voice.

There stood Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Nico and Reyna. All of them were looking at Circe in disgust. Percy just looked confused.

'Let him go, Circe.' Said the blonde-haired boy.

She snorted. 

'Like I would do that.'

'Give it up.' This came from Piper.

'Oh, miss McLean, your charm speak is too weak to win me over!' 

She scowled and pointed her dagger at Circe. This made Percy slide in front of her protectively. Everyone winced when they saw this.


He drew Riptide.


He slowly walked forward.


He froze. Right in front of Annabeth. She grabbed his shoulders. 

'Percy, it's Annabeth. I'll always be here. For you.' 


He ignored these thoughts by putting his sword to her throat. Her eyes widened. 


He was pulled off by his two strong friends. They held him against the wall. He struggled to get free. Annabeth glared at Circe.

'Pipes, please, try!'

Circe was watching with interest. Why isn't she doing anything? Jason thought.

'Percy, snap out of it.'

He didn't stop struggling. Why didn't he stop struggling?! 

'It doesn't work, Piper McLean! My charmspeak is too powerful. He is now, fully and truly, the mine.' Circe cackled.

'No!' Annabeth cried. 'That's- that's not true. He will never be yours.'

'Well, Annabeth, you're too late. He already is.'

A few women ran into the room, looking between Circe and the demigods. 

They held up their daggers and nodded at Circe.

'Ah, finally, you've arrived. Kill these demigods for me, please.'

Immediately, all of the demigods got ready to fight. Jason and Frank, on the other hand, couldn't do anything without letting go of Percy. They glanced at each other, then at their struggling friend in their arms. They both sighed.

'Sorry for this, Perce.'

Needless to say, they had to knock him unconscious. 

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