Chapter 1: Too Foreboding

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Kira's POV
What do you get when four college kids bundle up in one bedroom? I'll tell you.

You thought I meant sex? That's not what these kids are doing!

"Have you guys ever heard of a wendigo?" Yuki asked, causing me to immediately shoot my hand up. He's my best friend with short white hair, somewhat messy, and emerald green eyes. He was sitting on the floor along with Kori while Neon and I were on my bed. He was currently wearing white pajamas consisting of white pants and a white, long sleeved collared shirt. He's more to me than a friend, though, I'll admit it.

"I do! It's a mythical creature that usually results in the afflicted to crave human flesh until you become one." For me, I have hazel eyes and short, blue hair I always keep in a boyish style. I was wearing a long, dark red t-shirt and black pajama pants. 

"And how do you become one?" Kori asked. He's Yuki's best friend. Kori has brown hair he normally keeps fairly neat, with purple eyes. He was wearing black pajamas. Both boys are fairly muscular, as am I.

"It can either possess you or you become one due to the intense craving of flesh."

"And how do you kill it?" Asked Yuki.

"I know it can be killed, but it's kinda complicated. The good news is that I do remember it has to do with a box and its heart."

"I don't know if we should be talking about this." Kori said, a shudder overtaking him after I finished speaking.

"Yeah....I've heard you can bring it closer to you if you repeat its name. Same with all these other creatures." Neon responded, shaking her head. She has blue eyes and jet black hair she normally keeps in a bob. She wore pajama pants and a collared t-shirt, both light blue. Unlike the rest of us, she's the skinny one of the group.

"So you're saying we shouldn't talk about it?" I asked, causing Neon to nod her head.

"Wendigo." Yuki said. I looked at him, noticing the smirk on his face.

"Wendigo." I said, shrugging.

"Wendigo." Kori muttered, crossing his arms and shaking his head. We all looked at Neon. Sighing, she shook her head.

".....Wendigo...." Her voice came out extremely monotone.

"Anyone feel any different?" I asked, looking around the room.

"No." Said Kori.

"Not me." Said Yuki.

One head shake was all it took from Neon.

"See? We're fine. Anyone else wanna go to sleep? I'm kinda tired." I said, which made Kori get up from his spot on the floor.

"I'll go sleep in Neon's room. We can't all be crammed up in here." He said.

"Okay then." I replied.

"I'll sleep in here with you, Kira." Yuki said, still sitting on the floor.

"Fine with me." I said while Neon got up from my bed.

"Come on, Kori. Let's go." She said, beckoning him over to her and she walked towards the door. He followed after her while Yuki stood sat next to me.

"Looks like it's just me and you."

"Oh yeah? I know you pretty well. Gonna do something, are ya?" I asked, getting up to get changed for bed, watching as he smiled and shook his head.

"No. I'll use the bathroom to get changed." He said, getting up from the bed and walking towards his backpack that leaned against the wall next to the doorway. Once he got a change of clothes out from his backpack, out of the room he went to use the bathroom down the hall.

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